ws 1.0.0-pre.6
ws: ^1.0.0-pre.6 copied to clipboard
WS: A compact, highly efficient WebSocket library. Easily establish, manage, and reconnect WebSocket connections in real-time apps.
// ignore_for_file: avoid_print
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io show exit;
import 'package:ws/ws.dart';
void main([List<String>? args]) {
// The Web Socket server URL.
// Pass it as `--define=URL=...` for `String.fromEnvironment('URL')`
// or extract from env by `Platform.environment['URL']`
// or parse it using `dart:args`
const url = String.fromEnvironment('URL',
defaultValue: 'wss://');
// Setup a WebSocket client with auto reconnecting
// Also, we can enqueue sending before the connection is established.
final client = WebSocketClient(
// Common options for all platforms
// Or use `.js(..)`, `.vm(..)`, `.selector(..)` instead of `.common(..)`
// The delay between reconnection attempts will be between 500ms and 15s
connectionRetryInterval: (
min: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
max: const Duration(seconds: 15),
// Observing the incoming messages from the server => print('< $message'))
// Observing the state changes (connecting, open, disconnecting, closed)
..stateChanges.listen((state) => print('* $state'))
// Connect to the server url
// Send a message
..add('Hello, ') // > Hello,
// One more message after first is sent
..add('world!'); // > world!
// Close the connection after 1 second
Timer(const Duration(seconds: 1), () async {
await client.close(); // Close the connection
print('Metrics:\n${client.metrics}'); // Print the metrics
io.exit(0); // Exit the process