wire 0.2.2 copy "wire: ^0.2.2" to clipboard
wire: ^0.2.2 copied to clipboard


Wire is a pub/sub library, event bus with data container, utilize only String key

Wire (WIP) - Pub/Sub on Strings "signals" with data container #

Dart pub/sub library - communication layer (or bus) where responses associated with "keys" called - signals. Simplest possible API - add, remove and send.

Also it has data layer, universal container (Map) with key-value, where value is a wrapper - WireData - hold dynamic value and can be subscribed for updates, something like Redis.



Wire Wire.add(Object scope, String signal, WireListener listener, [int replies = 0])
bool Wire.send(String signal, [args])
bool Wire.remove(String signal, {Object scope, WireListener listener})
WireData Wire.data(String param, [dynamic value]) - optional value update object it can be function that return value

WireListener = void Function(String signal, dynamic data)


void remove() // emit null value before remove all subscribers, use isSet property to to distinguish between newly created (false) and removed (value still maybe be null thus isSet is false)
WireData subscribe(Object scope, WireDataListener listener)
WireData unsubscribe(Object scope, [WireDataListener listener])

WireDataListener = void Function(dynamic value)

Examples #

  1. Counter (web):
  • Open IDEA
  • Select build target - Dart Web, point to example/counter/index.html
  • Run Debug
  1. API calls variations (console):
  • Open IDEA
  • Select build target - Dart Command Line App, point to example/api/wire_api_example.dart
  • Run Debug
  1. Todo MVC (web):
  • Open IDEA
  • Select build target - Dart Web, point to example/todo/index.html
  • Run Debug
pub points


unverified uploader

Wire is a pub/sub library, event bus with data container, utilize only String key

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


Packages that depend on wire