win_toast 0.2.0 win_toast: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
a plugin help flutter app show toast on windows platform.
win_toast #
show a toast notification on your Windows Notification center.
Getting Started #
Attention #
There are two implementation to pop up a toast notification by this package.
WinRT: for normal exe app.
the winrt implementation is enabled default, you can use it directly.
WRL: for UWP app which packaged to msix.
the wrl implementation is disabled default, you can enable it by add flowing config to your app
if wrl is enabled, the built exe will not compatible on Windows7.
Initialize #
void initialize() {
// initialize toast with you aumId, displayName and iconPath
aumId: 'one.mixin.WinToastExample',
displayName: 'Example Application',
iconPath: '',
Pick a unique AUMID that will identify your Win32 app
This is typically in the form of [CompanyName].[AppName], but you want to ensure this is unique across all apps (feel free to add some digits at the end).
Show #
Future<void> show() {
const xml = """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<toast launch="action=viewConversation&conversationId=9813">
<binding template="ToastGeneric">
<text>Andrew sent you a picture</text>
<text>Check this out, Happy Canyon in Utah!</text>
<input id="tbReply" type="text" placeHolderContent="Type a reply" />
<action content="Reply" activationType="background" arguments="action=reply&conversationId=9813" />
<action content="Like" activationType="background" arguments="action=like&conversationId=9813" />
<action content="View" activationType="background" arguments="action=viewImage&imageUrl=" />
WinToast.instance().showCustomToast(xml: xml);
Credit #