widgets_easier 0.0.10 copy "widgets_easier: ^0.0.10" to clipboard
widgets_easier: ^0.0.10 copied to clipboard

Widgets Easier aims to make development faster, simpler, and more efficient, turning development into a pleasant experience.


[0.0.10] - 2023-10-03 #

Added #

  • PrivacyGuard component to enhance privacy features within the app.
    • Automatically enables a privacy screen when the app goes into the background.
    • Provides blur effects (blurRadius and blurColor) to obscure the app's content when in privacy mode.
    • Supports disabling screenshot and recording functionalities with optional callbacks (onScreenshot and onRecordingAttempt) when such actions are attempted.
    • Callbacks for entering (onEnterPrivacyMode) and exiting (onExitPrivacyMode) privacy mode.
    • Configurable options to prevent screenshots and recordings, enhancing security and privacy compliance.

0.0.9 #

Added #

  • Introduced CascadeBottomSheet to handle multi-level cascading menus dynamically based on the depth of the provided data.
  • Added showCascadeSheet method in BottomSheets class to display cascading selection sheets.
  • Implemented dynamic scroll controllers and selection lists in CascadeBottomSheet to support variable depth of data without causing range errors.

Updated #

  • Enhanced BottomSheets class with additional methods showInfoSheet and showConfirmSheet for displaying informational and confirmation dialogs respectively.
  • Each method now supports customization of text, colors, padding, margins, and dismissibility.
  • Added error handling for depth calculations in cascading menus to prevent out-of-range access.

Fixed #

  • Fixed an issue where CascadeBottomSheet would throw a RangeError when the data exceeded four levels of depth by dynamically adjusting the number of scroll controllers and selection lists based on the maximum depth of the data.

UI Improvements #

  • Updated UI components in ConfirmBottomSheet and IofoBottomSheet to include optional images, customizable button texts, and improved layout handling.
  • Enhanced visual feedback in CascadeBottomSheet with better alignment and color distinction between selected and unselected items.

Performance #

  • Optimized the initialization process for CascadeBottomSheet to reduce setup time by calculating the maximum depth once during the initial state setup.

Documentation #

  • Updated documentation and inline comments for better clarity on how the new dynamic depth handling works in CascadeBottomSheet.

0.0.8 #

Added #

Tag class, which is a Widget class designed for labeling and selection purposes. It features a type attribute that allows users to choose the type of tag they want to use.

0.0.7 #

Bugs Fixed.

0.0.6 #

Added #

TipToasts class, which is a utility class used to display temporary notifications or messages in Flutter. It can show custom toast messages at the top, center, or bottom of the screen that automatically disappear after a certain period of time. These types of notifications are commonly referred to as "toast" messages, originating from a similar concept in Android development.

0.0.5 #

Changes #

Fixes were made to the behavior of the fit and alignment properties of the Picture class. The constraints using BoxConstraints.expand() for images were removed. The method of size limitation was adjusted, as well as the arrangement within the parent container.

Added #

NotifyToasts class, which provides a simple and flexible way to display message notifications in your application. By customizing styles, animation effects and interactions, you can create message notifications that conform to the application design style.

0.0.4 #

Changes #

A new width property has been added to the SemanticButton widget, which is used to forcibly limit the width of the component. If a specific value is specified for this property, the shrink property will not occupy the entire container width even if it is set to false.

Added #


FutureDialogs is a type of promissory dialog that can help handle dialog application scenarios where the content of different dialogs needs to be determined by future results in a very simple way.


WinDialogs is a type of dialog that mimics the Windows style.

0.0.3 #

Added #

CounterInput, which is a Flutter widget for numerical input and adjustment. It provides an intuitive interface that allows users to change the current value by clicking plus and minus buttons or directly inputting numbers.

0.0.2 #

Added #


ButtonGroup Widget is a button combination based on SemanticButton.

Changes #

  • Added custom color and gradient color functionality to SemanticButton.
  • Added debugging information to SemanticButton.
  • Added the borderRadius property to SemanticButton, which is used to specify a finer border radius than the radius property.

0.0.1 #

  • initial release.
pub points


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Widgets Easier aims to make development faster, simpler, and more efficient, turning development into a pleasant experience.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference




flutter, flutter_easy_animations, flutter_svg, gap


Packages that depend on widgets_easier