whatsapp_sender_flutter 0.1.3 copy "whatsapp_sender_flutter: ^0.1.3" to clipboard
whatsapp_sender_flutter: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard


WhatsApp Sender Flutter is an unofficial API for Flutter to send bulk messages in Whatsapp

WhatsApp Sender Flutter #

WhatsApp Sender Flutter is an unofficial API for Flutter to send bulk messages in Whatsapp. It's not recommended using it in your company or for marketing purpose.

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Getting Started #

In the pubspec.yaml of your flutter project, add the following dependency:

  whatsapp_sender_flutter: latest

Import it:

import 'package:whatsapp_sender_flutter/whatsapp_sender_flutter.dart';

Configuration #

For the first usage, wait for the automatic download of the .local-chromium folder in your project root. Without this folder the package will not work,this is because this package is based on puppeteer.

Basic usage #

The process for sending messages is like for WhatsApp Web:

  1. Scan the qr code
  2. Start the sending

Render qrcode to scan #

For render qrcode to scan use package like pretty_qr_code.

   import 'package:pretty_qr_code/pretty_qr_code.dart';
   WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();
     valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.qrCode,
     builder: (context, value, widget) {
              return value.isEmpty 
                     ? const SizedBox()
                      : PrettyQr(
                          size: 300,
                          data: value,
                          roundEdges: true,

The static variable whatsAppSenderFlutter.qrCode is a ValueNotifier. You can use ValueListenableBuilder to listen changes.

Start the sending #

After you have scanned the code, you can start the sending campaign.

All phones must contain the international prefix!

   WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();
   await whatsAppSenderFlutter.send(
         phones: [ "+391111111", "+391111111", "+391111111"],
         message: "Hello",

Advanced usage #

Listen sending status #

   WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();
     valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.status,
     builder: (context, value, widget) {
                return Text(value);

The static variable whatsAppSenderFlutter.status is a ValueNotifier. You can use ValueListenableBuilder to listen changes.

Possible states of WhatsAppSenderFlutter.status are:

  • WhatsAppSenderFlutterStatusMessage.initialize during WhatsApp initialization
  • WhatsAppSenderFlutterStatusMessage.scanQrCode during qr code scanning
  • WhatsAppSenderFlutterStatusMessage.sending during sending
  • WhatsAppSenderFlutterStatusMessage.done if seding is end
  • WhatsAppSenderFlutterStatusMessage.qrCodeExpirated if qrcode to scan is expirated

Listen the number of success sendings #

   WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();
     valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.success,
     builder: (context, value, widget) {
                return Text(value.toString());

The static variable whatsAppSenderFlutter.success is a ValueNotifier. You can use ValueListenableBuilder to listen changes.

Listen the number of fails sendings #

   WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();
     valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.fails,
     builder: (context, value, widget) {
                return Text(value.toString());

The static variable whatsAppSenderFlutter.fails is a ValueNotifier. You can use ValueListenableBuilder to listen changes.

Save your session #

   WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();
   await whatsAppSenderFlutter.send(
         phones: [ "+391111111", "+391111111", "+391111111"],
         message: "Hello",
         savedSessionDir: "./userData"

To save the session you must indicate a folder name in savedSessionDir.

If you save the session you will no longer have to scan the qr code !

Do not indicate savedSessionDir if you want to be asked to scan the qr code at each sending.

Example #

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:pretty_qr_code/pretty_qr_code.dart';
import 'package:whatsapp_sender_flutter/whatsapp_sender_flutter.dart';

void main() {
    const MaterialApp(
      home: MyApp(),

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
  WhatsAppSenderFlutter whatsAppSenderFlutter = WhatsAppSenderFlutter();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
        child: const Icon(Icons.send),
        onPressed: () async {
            context: context,
            builder: (context) => AlertDialog(
              content: SingleChildScrollView(
                child: Column(
                  children: [
                      valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.qrCode,
                      builder: (context, value, widget) {
                        return value.isEmpty
                            ? const SizedBox()
                            : PrettyQr(
                                size: 300,
                                data: value,
                                roundEdges: true,
                      valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.status,
                      builder: (context, value, widget) {
                        return Text(value);
                      valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.success,
                      builder: (context, value, widget) {
                        return Text("$value success");
                      valueListenable: whatsAppSenderFlutter.fails,
                      builder: (context, value, widget) {
                        return Text("$value fails");
          await whatsAppSenderFlutter.send(
            phones: [
            message: "Hello",
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: const Text("WhatsApp sender"),
      body: const Center(
        child: Text("Press send button to start the sending"),

To Do #

  • Send text message ✔️
  • Multi session support ✔️
  • Send image (coming soon!)

License #


pub points


unverified uploader

WhatsApp Sender Flutter is an unofficial API for Flutter to send bulk messages in Whatsapp

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, puppeteer


Packages that depend on whatsapp_sender_flutter