whatsapp_bot_flutter 2.0.2 whatsapp_bot_flutter: ^2.0.2 copied to clipboard
Whatsapp bot using puppeteer and whatsapp web scraping with flutter desktop/web and dart projects support
2.0.2 #
- fix downloadMedia
2.0.1 #
- add wpClient.conn
- add few group methods
- fix getChat,getMessages, getContacts
- minor fixes
2.0.0 #
- update to whatsapp_bot_platform_interface 1.0.0
- Breaking change: new way of listening to messages: client.on(WhatsappEvent.chat_new_message, (data) => print(data));
- add support for listening to multiple events
- fix delete message
- add option to send file name in sendFileMessage
- add more methods to WhatsappClient.chat
1.0.0 #
- use whatsapp_bot_platform_interface
- improved docs
- added proper pure dart implementation
- extracted mobile support into another package
0.1.1 #
- update to dart3
- fix web
- switch to flutter_inappwebview stable version
0.0.10 #
- Implemented dart only in pubspec
- minor bug fixes
- added option to send buttons with messages
- fix quotes in text messages
0.0.9 #
- Updated platforms
- Updated Example app
- Updated Readme
0.0.8 #
- Added support for native Android and Ios
- Added WhatsappBotFlutterMobile.connect method to connect in native Mobile platforms
- Minor bug fixes
- Update readme
0.0.7 #
- Added support for Android and Ios
- update readme
0.0.6 #
- breakingChange: we have to use WhatsappClient.chat for accessing sendTextMessage/sendFilesMessages
- Added WhatsappClient.chat With these Features
- Send Text/File/Location messages
- Added archive/unarchive chat
- canMute
- mute /unmute
- clearChat
- deleteChat
- getLastSeen
- getChats
- markAsSeen
- markAsUnread
- pin/unpin
- deleteMessages
- downloadMedia
- getMessages
- createPollInGroups
- sendContactCard
- Added WhatsappClient.contact with these Features
- getProfilePicture
- getStatus
- getContacts
- Added WhatsappClient.profile with these Features
- getMyStatus
- setMyStatus
- isBusiness
- setMyProfilePicture
0.0.5 #
- breaking changes
- added multi Client support
- added call events
- added option to reject call
- added option to reply to a message
- added web support
- and many other minor features
0.0.4 #
- remove flutter dependency
- add pureDart support
- add method to convert string to QRCodeText to print in terminal
- minor bug fixes
0.0.3 #
- major refactoring
- added option to share files
- added option to share location
- added option to get messages stream
0.0.2 #
- minor fixes
0.0.1 #
- Initial version