wetransfer 0.3.0+0 wetransfer: ^0.3.0+0 copied to clipboard
A package that allows you to easily transfer files to WeTransfer and retrieve the trnasfer link.
[0.3.0+0] - 31/10/2019. #
- FileUploadState has now now a timestamp
- The Transfer class is now detailed
- WeTransferClient.getTransferInfo now returns a Transfer instead of the url of the Transfer
[0.2.0+1] - 24/10/2019. #
- Added an example
- Fixed the changelog
[0.2.0] - 24/10/2019. #
- Revamped project structure
- Deleted the WeTransferClient.completeFilesUpload(transfer) method as it is now done automatically in WeTransferClient.uploadFiles(transfer)
[0.1.1] - 18/10/2019. #
- Fixing packages infos, no code changes
[0.0.1] - 18/10/2019. #
- Initial release.