webview_win_floating 2.2.7 webview_win_floating: ^2.2.7 copied to clipboard
WebView for Windows. A Flutter plugin that implements the interface of package webview_flutter.
2.2.6 #
- Fix: runJavaScript() doesn't support non-ASCII characters.
2.2.5 #
- Fix: destroy all old webviews when hot-restart in debugging mode
2.2.4 #
- Fix: no need to call registerWith()
2.2.3 #
- Fix: cannot login into www.facebook.com since http POST method not working
2.2.2 #
- Fix: cannot change url when user clicking link if setNavigationDelegate() not called.
2.2.0 #
- support userDataFolder settings
2.0.0 #
- migrate to webview_flutter_platform_interface: ^2.0.0
- dispose controller when finalizer called
- call webview2's suspend / resume when WebViewWidget activate / deactivated
- Fix: cannot update position when parent scrolling after flutter 3.7.0
- Fix issue with canGoBack / canGoForward
- (Windows only) add WinWebViewController.openDevTools()
- (Windows only) add onHistoryChanged in WinNavigationDelegate
1.0.4 #
- if the webview is put in a scrollable, update layout when scrolling
1.0.3 #
- fix compile error
1.0.2 #
- change sdk version limitation
1.0.1 #
- Add some information in pubcspec.yaml
1.0.0 #
- Initial version