webfeed_revised 0.8.1-beta copy "webfeed_revised: ^0.8.1-beta" to clipboard
webfeed_revised: ^0.8.1-beta copied to clipboard

webfeed-revised is a dart package for parsing RSS and Atom feeds. Media, DublinCore, iTunes, Syndication namespaces are also supported.

Changelog #

0.8.1-beta #

  • Contains the HTML parser functionality from 0.7.3-beta.1 and the improvements and updates from 0.8.0

0.8.0 #

0.7.3-beta #

  • Fixed html parser function
  • Adds the ability to automatically parse and replace HTML tags from some elements of the RSS feed

0.7.2 #

  • Applied dart format

0.7.1 #

  • Updated dependencies
  • Fixed RssItem pubDate optional seconds
  • Added RssItem pubDate UTC parser
  • Added RssItem description HTML parser
  • Added documentation for public members

0.7.0 #

  • Null safety migration #50
  • Parse duration if not empty #39

0.6.0 #

  • Refactor util/xml.dart
  • Support RDF feed
  • Support Syndication namespace

0.5.2 #

  • Lower the xml package version constraints

0.5.1 #

  • Support iTunes namespace #19
  • Parse date strings into DateTime #22
  • Add created & modified into dublin core namespace #27
  • Upgrade xml package #28
  • Fix linting warnings

0.4.2 #

Fixed #

  • Bad import in rss_content.dart & rss_source.dart

0.4.1 #

Added #

  • Support author in RssFeed

0.4.0 #

Added #

  • Support for dublin core namespace
  • Support enclosure in rss item
  • Set minimum dart version into 2

0.3.0 #

Added #

  • Support for image namespace
pub points


verified publisherkrolmansion.com

webfeed-revised is a dart package for parsing RSS and Atom feeds. Media, DublinCore, iTunes, Syndication namespaces are also supported.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


intl, xml


Packages that depend on webfeed_revised