webapp 1.1.1 webapp: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard
The WebApp package simplifies fast and efficient server-side web app development with Dart, offering tools for APIs, databases, WebSockets, and scalable projects
Run #
docker compose up --build
Examples #
Please refer to the documentation and the GitHub page for a comprehensive review of the examples. You can also view the example as a Demo.
View Examples | Live Demo | Documentations #
import 'package:webapp/wa_console.dart';
import 'package:webapp/wa_server.dart';
import 'package:webapp/wa_tools.dart';
import 'lib/route/socket_route.dart';
import 'lib/route/web_route.dart';
WaConfigs configs = WaConfigs(
widgetsPath: pathTo(env['WIDGETS_PATH'] ?? "./example/widgets"),
widgetsType: env['WIDGETS_TYPE'] ?? 'j2.html',
languagePath: pathTo(env['LANGUAGE_PATH'] ?? "./example/languages"),
publicDir: pathTo(env['PUBLIC_DIR'] ?? './example/public'),
dbConfig: WaDBConfig(enable: false),
port: 8085,
WaServer server = WaServer(configs: configs);
final socketManager = SocketManager(
event: SocketEvent(
onConnect: (socket) {
"New user connected! count: ${server.socketManager?.countClients}",
path: "output",
{'message': 'Soccuess connect to socket!'},
path: 'connected',
onMessage: (socket, data) {},
onDisconnect: (socket) {
var count = server.socketManager?.countClients ?? 0;
"User disconnected! count: ${count - 1}",
path: "output",
routes: getSocketRoute(),
void main() async {
server.start().then((value) {
Console.p("Example app started: http://localhost:${value.port}");