web_reify 1.0.0 copy "web_reify: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
web_reify: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Static site generator for Dart, powered by `reify`

web_reify #

web_reify is a static site generator for Dart, powered by the reify package. It provides a flexible and declarative approach to generating static websites from Markdown files and other assets.

Table of Contents #

Features #

  • Markdown Processing: Convert Markdown files to HTML.
  • Static Asset Management: Copy static assets to the output directory.
  • Sitemap Generation: Automatically generate a sitemap for your site.
  • Robots.txt Generation: Create a robots.txt file for your site.
  • RSS Feed Generation: Generate an RSS feed for your site's content.
  • Hot Reload: Supports hot reload for efficient development.

Getting Started #

To use web_reify in your Dart project, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Dart project.
  2. Add the web_reify package to your pubspec.yaml file.

Usage #

Basic Example #

Create a Dart file (e.g., main.dart) with the following content:

import 'package:web_reify/web_reify.dart';

void main(List<String> arguments) => generate(
      (context) => createSite(
          fullSite: 'https://example.com',
          robots: {'User-agent': '*', 'Disallow': ''},
          sitemap: {'/': 1.0},
          changefreq: 'daily',
          pages: {
                input: 'content/**.md',
                parse: (frontMatter) => frontMatter,
                output: (data) => data.map((e) => (
                      path: '${e.data.title}.html',
                      data: e.data.content.render(),

Running the Generator #

Run the generator using the Dart CLI:

dart run main.dart

Functions #

Copy Static Assets #

Use the copyStatic function to copy static assets to the output directory.

Generate Markdown Table of Contents #

Use the documentContents function to create a table of contents from Markdown files.

Convert Markdown to HTML #

Use the markdown.dart library to convert Markdown files to HTML and work with them as structured Dart Records.

Generate robots.txt #

Use the createRobotsTxt function to generate a robots.txt file for your site.

Generate RSS Feed #

Use the generateRSS function to create an RSS feed for your site's content.

Generate Sitemap #

Use the writeSitemap function to generate a sitemap for your site.

createSite Function #

The createSite function integrates all the basic functionalities provided by web_reify, including copying static assets, processing Markdown files, generating a sitemap, and creating a robots.txt file. This function simplifies the process of setting up a static site generator by combining these features into a single, cohesive workflow.

pub points


unverified uploader

Static site generator for Dart, powered by `reify`

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


MIT (license)


brackets, glob, intl, markdown, path, pure, reify, stream_transform, yaml


Packages that depend on web_reify