web3mq_websocket 0.1.0-dev.3 web3mq_websocket: ^0.1.0-dev.3 copied to clipboard
A lightware websocket tool to communicate with web3mq.
import 'package:web3mq_websocket/web3mq_websocket.dart';
void main() async {
final websocket = Web3MQWebSocketManager(
baseUrl: 'endpoint', reconnectionMonitorInterval: 20);
// lisnten the new message stream.
websocket.messageStream.listen((event) {});
// lisnten the new notification stream.
websocket.notificationStream.listen((event) {});
// lisnten the connection status stream.
websocket.connectionStatusStream.listen((event) {});
/// listen the sending status stream.
websocket.messageUpdateStream.listen((event) {});
// replace with your own user
await websocket.connect(WebSocketUser('userId', 'sessionKey'));
websocket.sendText('text', 'topic');
websocket.sendText('text', 'topic',
threadId: '', cipherSuite: '', needStore: false, extraData: {});