web3auth_flutter 1.0.2 copy "web3auth_flutter: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
web3auth_flutter: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard


Flutter SDK for Torus Web3Auth (Web3Auth)

Web3Auth Flutter SDK #

Web3Auth is where passwordless auth meets non-custodial key infrastructure for Web3 apps and wallets. By aggregating OAuth (Google, Twitter, Discord) logins, different wallets and innovative Multi Party Computation (MPC) - Web3Auth provides a seamless login experience to every user on your application.

📖 Documentation #

Checkout the official Web3Auth Documentation and SDK Reference to get started!

💡 Features #

  • Plug and Play, OAuth based Web3 Authentication Service
  • Fully decentralized, non-custodial key infrastructure
  • End to end Whitelabelable solution
  • Threshold Cryptography based Key Reconstruction
  • Multi Factor Authentication Setup & Recovery (Includes password, backup phrase, device factor editing/deletion etc)
  • Support for WebAuthn & Passwordless Login
  • Support for connecting to multiple wallets
  • DApp Active Session Management

...and a lot more

⏪ Requirements #

  • For iOS, only iOS 12+ supported since we requires ASWebAuthenticationSession.
    • Xcode 11.4+ / 12.x
    • Swift 4.x / 5.x
    • For iOS build: platform :ios needs to be 13.0. Check ios/Podfile in your Flutter project to change it.
  • For Android, API version 21 or newer is supported.
    • For Android build: compileSdkVersion needs to be 32.
    • Check android/app/build.gradle in your Flutter project to change it.

⚡ Installation #

Add web3auth_flutter as a dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.

  web3auth_flutter: ^1.0.1


flutter pub add web3auth_flutter

🌟 Configuration #

Checkout https://web3auth.io/docs/sdk/flutter to configure for Android and iOS builds.

Register the URL scheme you intended to use for redirection

  • Android AndoidManifest.xml (required)

      <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
      <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
      <data android:scheme="{scheme}" android:host="{YOUR_APP_PACKAGE_NAME}" android:path="/auth" />
      <!-- Accept URIs: w3a://com.example.w3aflutter/auth -->
  • iOS Info.plist (optional)

🩹 Example #

// Initialization
Future<void> initPlatformState() async {
  HashMap themeMap = HashMap<String, String>();
  themeMap['primary'] = "#fff000";

  Uri redirectUrl;
  if (Platform.isAndroid) {
    redirectUrl = Uri.parse(
  } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
    redirectUrl =
  } else {
    throw UnKnownException('Unknown platform');

  await Web3AuthFlutter.init(Web3AuthOptions(
      network: Network.cyan,
      redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
      whiteLabel: WhiteLabelData(
          dark: true, name: "Web3Auth Flutter App", theme: themeMap)));

// Login
final Web3AuthResponse response = await Web3AuthFlutter.login(LoginParams(loginProvider: Provider.google));

// Logout
await Web3AuthFlutter.logout();

🌐 Demo #

Checkout the Web3Auth Demo to see how Web3Auth can be used in an application.

Further checkout the example folder within this repository, which contains a sample app.

💬 Troubleshooting and Discussions #

  • Have a look at our GitHub Discussions to see if anyone has any questions or issues you might be having.
  • Checkout our Troubleshooting Documentation Page to know the common issues and solutions
  • Join our Discord to join our community and get private integration support or help with your integration.


verified publisherweb3auth.io

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Flutter SDK for Torus Web3Auth (Web3Auth)

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