web 0.5.1 copy "web: ^0.5.1" to clipboard
web: ^0.5.1 copied to clipboard


Lightweight browser API bindings built around JS static interop.

0.5.1 #

  • Add TrustedTypes members.
  • Include MDN API documentation as class and member dartdoc comments. Docs sourced from the MDN Web Docs project; attributions and copyright licensing by Mozilla Contributors is licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.
  • Add a constructor for each Element tag onto their respective Element interfaces.
  • Remove external Element constructors that would result in a runtime error.
  • Deprecate createAudioElement in favor of the HTMLAudioElement constructor.

0.5.0 #

  • Redeprecate APIs that were deprecated in 0.4.1 but undeprecated in 0.4.2.

  • Add support for dart fix migrations from dart:html classes to package:web classes.

  • Contribute a markdown file for the renamed classes from dart:html to package:web (see renames.md).

  • Migrate classes to use interop extension types that implement JSObject.

  • Add generics to APIs that use JSArray and JSPromise. Typedefs of a Dart primitive type are instead replaced with their JS type equivalent if they appear as a type parameter in order to conform with the type bounds of JSArray and JSPromise.

  • Changed record types to be JSObject instead of JSAny.

  • Reduce the number of DOM APIs we generate code for. Currently, the API needs to be standards-track, and be supported by Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.

  • Updated the source IDL version to 3.43.1.

  • Deprecate a few type aliases in favor of their standardized versions:

    Deprecated Preferred
    AudioElement HTMLAudioElement
    HtmlElement HTMLElement
    CanvasElement HTMLCanvasElement
    ImageElement HTMLImageElement
    VideoElement HTMLVideoElement
    CssStyleDeclaration CSSStyleDeclaration
    ContextEvent WebGLContextEvent
    WebGL WebGLRenderingContext
  • Deprecate the top-level createElementTag, createCanvasElement, createIFrameElement, and querySelector functions. Instead, use the standard creation and query methods on document.

  • Deprecate the client extension methods on MouseEvent and Touch. Instead, directly use the clientX and clientY properties.

  • Deprecate the HttpRequest API borrowed from dart:html. Consider migrating to package:http instead.

0.4.2 #

  • Undeprecate some APIs and helpers library that were deprecated in 0.4.1. Because deprecations are breaking in Flutter, they should be done in a breaking change.

0.4.1 #

  • Exported the helper libraries from web.dart.
  • Deprecated the helpers.dart library in favor of web.dart.
  • Updated the readme to include usage info and package status.
  • Added an example.
  • Added event extensions for WebSocket
  • Fixes to the return types of the append() and clone() extension methods on Node.
  • Deprecated NodeGlue.append in favor of Node.appendChild.
  • Deprecated NodeGlue.clone in favor of Node.cloneNode.
  • Updated @webref/css to 6.10.0.

0.4.0 #

  • Remove implements JSObject from all types. This is needed to move the JS types exposed in dart:js_interop to extension types. This subtyping will be added back in a future version when we move all package:web types to extension types.
  • Add onMessage getter to WindowEventGetters extension methods.
  • helpers.dart: expose the EventStreamProviders class.
  • Add createIFrameElement method to helpers.dart.
  • Updated types to account for union types.
  • Fixed issue where all JSAnys were treated as nullable.
  • Changed JSVoid to void.
  • interface mixins are no longer emitted as interfaces. Their members are instead added to the interface that mixes them in.

0.3.0 #

  • Updated source IDL to v3.39.1.
  • Fixed a bug where typedefs were not declared with the IDL type's nullability.
  • Types that were aliased to double are now aliased to num. This is to make it easier for users to pass integer values without going through a cast and to make migration from dart:html easier.

0.2.2-beta #

  • Updates SDK version minimum to 3.2.0-194.0.dev.
  • Removes isInstanceOfDomType as dart:js_interop now exposes instanceOfString.

0.2.1-beta #

  • helpers.dart
    • Expose EventStreamProvider

0.2.0-beta #

  • Added helpers.dart top-level library.
  • Require Dart 3.2 pre-release.
  • Update to IDL 3.38.2

0.1.4-beta #

  • Support bool, int, double, String in APIs.

0.1.3-beta #

  • CSS properties can now be accessed directly.

0.1.2-beta #

  • JSAny as an IDL type now includes null.

0.1.1-beta #

  • Objects now inherit from JSObject.

0.1.0-beta #

  • First release.
pub points


verified publisherdart.dev

Lightweight browser API bindings built around JS static interop.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


Packages that depend on web