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WazEloquent is a flutter package in which you can interact with in-app “sqlite” database in the style of Laravel Eloquent.


WazEloquent ( Laravel Eloquent Wrapper For Flutter ) #

WazEloquent is designed to deal with database without writing custom querys on your own. This package is built on top of Sqflite package and inspired by Laravel eloquent.

Features #

  • You don't need to create your own database class. Just interact with table by using DB's methods such as onCreate, onOpen, onConfigure, onUpgrade, onDowngrade.
  • Eazy to deal with table without writing query on your own.
  • Laravel Eloquent alike methods.
  • Managing Relationships

Getting started #

  • Install package #

    $ flutter pub add wazeloquent
  • Extend eloquent and configure required methods #


    class UserEloquent extends Eloquent {
      // TODO: implement columns
      List<String> get columns => ['id','name','password','createdAt','updatedAt'];
      String get getPrimaryColumn => 'id';
      // TODO: implement tableName
      String get tableName => 'users';
  • Create table before using eloquent #

    For creating table, you can easily do it by registering onOpen, OnCreate methods of DB class. For more information about creating table, please consult sqflite documentaion.

    // lib/main.dart
    import 'package:wazeloquent/wazeloquent.dart' show DB;
    void main(){
      var db = DB.instance;
      db.setDbVersion(1); // optional: set db version, default: 1
      // db.setFilePath(path); // optional: set db path
      db.setFileName('example.db'); // optional: set file name, default: sqflite.db
          Future(() {
            return (Database db, int) async {};
            return (Database db)async{
              // do something on Open db
      runApp(const MyApp());

    I would like to suggest you to have static variable in your eloquent. For example, see below.

    class UserEloquent extends Eloquent {
      static Future<Function(Database)> onOpen = Future(() {
          return (Database db) async {
          await DB.createTable(db, tableName: 'users',columns: {
            'id': [ColumnType.idType],
            'name': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
            'password': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
            'createdAt': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
            'updatedAt': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
      static Future<Function(Database, int)> onCreate = Future(() {
          return (Database db, int version) async {
          await DB.createTable(db, tableName: 'users',columns: {
            'id': [ColumnType.idType],
            'name': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
            'password': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
            'createdAt': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],
            'updatedAt': [ColumnType.stringType, ColumnType.notNull],

    Note that You can use sqflite table creating technique .i.e,

    await db.execute(
        'CREATE TABLE Test (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, value INTEGER, num REAL)');

    Or You can use DB.createTable() method.

    Feel free to use whatever you feel like XD

    Then use them like

    void main() {
      runApp(const MyApp());

    Then you are ready to use eloquent.

  • Using existing db #

    In order to use existing db, you can specify file path and file name. For example,

    import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
    var path = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
    var dir = path.absolute.path + '/test';
    db.setFilePath(dir, shouldForceCreatePath: true); // Specify 'shouldForceCreatePath' to true for creating folder if not exist.

Usage #

Available methods are as follows.

  • where #

    Specify 'where' conditions in query.

    Always include get() method at the end of query. Otherwise query will not be executed.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    //get users where name is john

    You can also specify which operator to use when querying. For example

    //get users where name is not john
    //get users where name has 'j'
    //get users where name is john and createdAt greater than 2022-05-03

    Available operators are

    • Operator.equal
    • Operator.greaterThan
    • Operator.lessThan
    • Operator.notEqual
    • Operator.like
    • Operator.notLike
    • Operator.inArray
    • Operator.notInArray
  • whereIn #

    Get all records of which column include any of the provided values.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // get users where column `id` matches any of values [1,2,4]
  • whereNotIn #

    Get all records of which column does not include any of the provided values.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // get users where column `id` does not equal any of values [1,2,4]
  • orderBy #

    Sort rows in either descending or ascending order.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // sort users by 'name' column
    // sort users by 'name' column in descending order
  • orderByDesc #

    Sort rows in descending order.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // sort users by 'name' column in descending order
  • groupBy #

    Group rows by column.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // group users by 'name' column
  • groupByDesc #

    Group rows by column in descending order.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // group users by 'name' column
  • latest #

    Get latest row related to primary key. You can specify the column name.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // Get latest user by 'id' which is primary key.
    // Get latest user by 'name';
  • take #

    Limit the number of rows in result.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // get first user where name is like j
  • skip #

    Skip a given number of results.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // skip 1 row and get next 10 users where name is like j
  • distinct #

    Get unique column values.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // get unique rows related to column 'name'.
  • all #

    Return all rows from table.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    //similar to userEloquent.get() but no matter what options you specify, they will be ignored and all rows will be returned.
    //orderBy, limit will be ignored
  • get #

    Final execution of query is performed by issuing this method.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
  • first #

    Get the first object instead of using get, all, search.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    Map<String,Object?>? user = await userEloquent.first();
  • select #

    Select columns to be returned in results.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // return rows which have only 'name' column in results;
  • find #

    Find row by primary key.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // get user where primary key (id) is 1.
  • Search rows.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // get rows where any column has word 'j'.
    // get rows where country has 'UK' and any other rows has 'j'.
    //specify searchable columns
  • create #

    Create a new row.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
  • createIfNotExists #

    Create a new row only if the value is not existed.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // create user which name is john and password is pass only if name 'john' is not existed.
  • updateOrCreate #

    Update data if exists and if not, create new row.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // if row where name is john exists, update 'password' column. If not, create row where name is john and password is 'pass'.
  • update #

    Update rows.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // update name of all rows to 'john'.
    // update name of rows where id = 1 to 1.
  • delete #

    Delete rows from table

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // delete all rows from users
    // delete rows where name has 'j' from users
  • deleteBy #

    Delete a row by primary key.

    var userEloquent = UserEloquent();
    // delete row where primary key is 1
  • getDatabase #

    A static method to get database instance.

    Database db = await UserEloquent.getDatabase;

Models #

It is not mandatory for your models to extend Model class. But extending Model class will provide some more methods to provide your model to interact with tables.

Let your model extend Model class.

class User extends Model{
   Eloquent get eloquent => UserEloquent();

  dynamic get primaryValue => id; // primary value is the value of primary column.

  /// Structure the object to be inserted when executing `save` method.
  /// For more information, see `save` method.
  Map<String, Object?> get toJson => {
    'name': name,
    'createdAt': createdAt?.toIso8601String(),
    'updatedAt': updatedAt?.toIso8601String()

  /// Update the primary value automatically when `save` method is executed.
  /// For example,
  /// ```dart
  /// // user.dart
  /// setPrimaryValue(value){
  ///   id = value;
  /// }
  /// var user = User(name:'John');
  /// // The above record does not exist in table. So let's create record using save() method
  /// user.save();
  /// // So user.id will be the primary value of inserted record in table.
  /// ```
      id = value;

Avaiable methods are

  • save

  • update

  • delete

  • Saving Model #

    If model is already existed in table, update properties of the model. Otherwise create a model.

    User user = User({name:'John',password:'pass'});
    user.name = 'Doe';
    await user.save(); // Create new record. Primary value will be updated.
     User user = User.fromDB(userEloquent.find(1));
    user.name = 'Dean';
    await user.save(); // update the user's name to 'Doe' in table.
  • Updating Model #

    Other than save method, you can update the attributes of model by using update method.

    User user = User({name:'John',password:'pass'});
    await user.update({password:'newPassword'});
  • Deleting Model #

    Delete the model in table.

    User user = User();
    await user.delete();

Relationships #

Please read documention about relationships here.

Bugs and issues #

Please consider opening an issue in issues tab if you encounter a bug.

Additional information #

  • Check example here

  • Read article about CRUD with wazeloquent.

  • Read article about one-to-one relationship with wazeloquent.

This package is developed to help developers' lives better and save time.
I would be really happy if this package helps you. Cheers 🎉🎉



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WazEloquent is a flutter package in which you can interact with in-app “sqlite” database in the style of Laravel Eloquent.

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flutter, path, path_provider, sqflite


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