wasm_run_flutter 0.0.1 wasm_run_flutter: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
This library contains the necessary platform bindings for executing `package:wasm_run`'s Web Assembly executor. Uses Rust's wasmtime optimizing runtime or wasmi interpreter.
// ignore_for_file: prefer_asserts_with_message
import 'dart:convert' show base64Decode;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:wasm_run_flutter/wasm_run_flutter.dart';
Future<void> main() async {
/// WASM WAT source:
/// ```wat
/// (module
/// (func (export "add") (param $a i32) (param $b i32) (result i32)
/// local.get $a
/// local.get $b
/// i32.add
/// )
/// )
/// ```
const base64Binary =
final Uint8List binary = base64Decode(base64Binary);
final WasmModule module = await compileWasmModule(
config: const ModuleConfig(
wasmi: ModuleConfigWasmi(),
wasmtime: ModuleConfigWasmtime(),
final List<WasmModuleExport> exports = module.getExports();
exports.first.toString() ==
const WasmModuleExport('add', WasmExternalKind.function).toString(),
final List<WasmModuleImport> imports = module.getImports();
// configure wasi
WasiConfig? wasiConfig;
final WasmInstanceBuilder builder = module.builder(wasiConfig: wasiConfig);
// create external
// builder.createTable
// builder.createGlobal
// builder.createMemory
// Add imports
// builder.addImport(moduleName, name, value);
final WasmInstance instance = await builder.build();
final WasmFunction add = instance.getFunction('add')!;
final List<ValueTy?> params = add.params;
assert(params.length == 2);
final WasmRuntimeFeatures runtime = await wasmRuntimeFeatures();
if (!runtime.isBrowser) {
// Types are not supported in browser
assert(params.every((t) => t == ValueTy.i32));
assert(add.results!.length == 1);
assert(add.results!.first == ValueTy.i32);
final List<Object?> result = add([1, 4]);
assert(result.length == 1);
assert(result.first == 5);
final resultInner = add.inner(-1, 8) as int;
assert(resultInner == 7);