wake_on_lan 4.1.1+3 wake_on_lan: ^4.1.1+3 copied to clipboard
Send wake-on-LAN magic packets to devices on your local network.
import 'package:wake_on_lan/wake_on_lan.dart';
void main() async {
String ipv4 = '';
String mac = 'AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF';
// Validate that the IP address is correctly formatted
final ipValidation = IPAddress.validate(ipv4);
if (!ipValidation.state) {
throw ipValidation.error!;
// Validate that the MAC address is correctly formatted
final macValidation = MACAddress.validate(mac);
if (!macValidation.state) {
throw macValidation.error!;
// Create the IP and MAC addresses
IPAddress ipv4Address = IPAddress(ipv4);
MACAddress macAddress = MACAddress(mac);
// Send the Wake-on-LAN packet
WakeOnLAN(ipv4Address, macAddress).wake();