voyager 3.0.0-nullsafety.4 voyager: ^3.0.0-nullsafety.4 copied to clipboard
The widget router and basic dependency injection library for Flutter. Define navigation paths in YAML and power them up with custom plugins.
import 'package:example/slide_from_top_page.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';
import 'package:voyager/voyager.dart';
/// voyager generated code
part 'main.voyager.dart';
/// navigation map, a yaml file, can be provided as a tripple quoted string
String requirements() {
return '''
'/home' :
widget: PageWidget
title: "This is Home"
body: "Hello World"
fabPath: /fab
- target: /talks
icon: e896
'/other/:title' :
widget: PageWidget
body: "Welcome to the other side"
title: "This is %{title}"
'/fab' :
widget: makeMeFab
target: /other/thing
icon: e88f # check icons.dart for reference
'/talks' :
widget: ListWidget
page: slideFromTop
title: "Voyager Talks"
- city: "Berlin"
event: Droidcon
date: July 1, 2019
- city: "London"
event: FlutterLDN
date: October 21, 2019
- city: "Łódź"
event: Mobilization
date: October 26, 2019
- city: "San Francisco"
event: Droidcon
date: November 25-26, 2019
widget: "TalkWidget"
redirect: '/home'
title: "Not Found"
widget: "PageWidget"
body: "Path /%{notfound} not found. Sorry!"
/// list of [VoyagerPath] (a YAML above but parsed to objects)
List<VoyagerPath> paths() {
return loadPathsFromYamlSync(requirements());
/// plugins that are mentioned in requirements
List<VoyagerPlugin> plugins() => [
/// provide widget builders for expressions used in YAML
const RedirectPlugin(),
/// icon plugin
class IconPlugin extends IconPluginStub {
Icon buildObject(VoyagerContext context, dynamic config) =>
/// helper method converting hex value to an icon instance
static Icon fromHexValue(String hexValue) {
return Icon(
IconData(int.parse(hexValue, radix: 16), fontFamily: 'MaterialIcons'));
/// a model class that exposes [VoyagerStack] instance to entire widget tree using [Provider]
class MyStack extends ChangeNotifier {
/// default constructor
MyStack({VoyagerStack value = initialValue}) : _value = value;
/// initial value
static const initialValue = VoyagerStack([
VoyagerStack _value;
/// the current stack
VoyagerStack get value => _value;
/// push new stack state
set value(VoyagerStack newValue) {
_value = newValue;
/// remove last item
void pop() {
value = value.removeLast();
/// add a new page on top
void add(VoyagerPage information) {
if (value.contains(information)) {
// in case page is already present in the stack, we need to give it unique id
information = VoyagerPage(information.path, id: + "_");
final newValue = value.mutate((items) {
value = newValue;
void main() {
/// initalize router
final router = VoyagerRouter.from(paths(), plugins());
/// run the app
create: (context) => MyStack(),
child: Builder(builder: (context) {
final stack = Provider.of<MyStack>(context);
return VoyagerStackApp(
router: router,
stack: stack.value,
onBackPressed: () {
onInitialPage: (page) {
if (page is VoyagerPage) {
// if initial page is '/' we'll just use default initial stack state
if (page.path == '/' || page.path == pathHome) {
// sidenote: we don't have mapping to '/' in navigation_map
stack.value = MyStack.initialValue;
} else {
// if initial page is something else, we'll add the page on top of the initial stack
stack.value = MyStack.initialValue.mutate((items) {
onNewPage: (page) {
if (page is VoyagerStack) {
// stack overwrite - this happens if e.g. you're going back
stack.value = page;
} else if (page is VoyagerPage) {
// this happens by some other system event, e.g. you don't handle onInitialPage
createApp: (context, parser, delegate) => MaterialApp.router(
title: "Voyager Demo -> ${stack.value.toPathList().last}",
routeInformationParser: parser,
routerDelegate: delegate,
theme: themeData(),
/// creates a floating action button
Widget makeMeFab(BuildContext context) {
final voyager = context.voyager;
return FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: () {
Provider.of<MyStack>(context, listen: false)
tooltip: 'Navigate',
child: voyager.icon,
/// theme data
ThemeData themeData() {
return ThemeData(
brightness: Brightness.dark,
primaryColor: const Color(0xff5bb974),
accentColor: const Color(0xfffcc934));
///page widget
class PageWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final voyager = context.voyager;
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(voyager.title!),
actions: actions(context),
body: Center(
child: Text(voyager.body!, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 24)),
floatingActionButton: voyager.fabPath != null
? VoyagerWidget(
path: voyager.fabPath!,
: null);
/// list widget
class ListWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final voyager = context.voyager;
final talks = voyager.items!
.map((dynamic item) => Talk(item["city"], item["event"], item["date"]))
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(voyager.title!),
actions: actions(context),
body: ListView.builder(
itemCount: talks.length,
itemBuilder: (context, index) {
final talk = talks[index];
return VoyagerWidget(
path: pathObjectTalk,
argument: VoyagerArgument(talk),
floatingActionButton: voyager.fabPath != null
? VoyagerWidget(
path: voyager.fabPath!,
: null);
/// object representing conference
class Talk extends Equatable {
/// default constructor
const Talk(, this.event,;
/// city where the talk took place
final String city;
/// event during which the talk took place
final String event;
/// date when the talk took place
final String date;
bool? get stringify => true;
List<Object?> get props => [city, event, date];
/// talk widget
class TalkWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final theme = Theme.of(context);
final Talk talk = context.voyagerArgument!;
return Padding(
padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(16, 8, 16, 8),
child: Column(
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget>[
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 20,
color: theme.accentColor,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold)),
Text(talk.event, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 16)),
Text(, style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 14)),
/// actions
List<Widget>? actions(BuildContext context) {
final actions = context.voyager.actions;
if (actions == null || actions.isEmpty) {
return null;
final widgets = <Widget>[];
actions.forEach((dynamic action) {
icon: IconPlugin.fromHexValue(action["icon"]),
onPressed: () {
Provider.of<MyStack>(context, listen: false)
return widgets;