voyager 1.2.0 copy "voyager: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
voyager: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard


The widget router and basic dependency injection library for Flutter. Define navigation paths in YAML and power them up with custom plugins.

1.2.0 #

  • use provider 4.x.x

1.1.6 #

  • remove deprecated test_api package import from generated test files
  • use package imports everywhere, related issue

1.1.5 #

  • allow passing VoyagerArgument to stateful widgets in tests

1.1.4 #

  • add slack channel badge
  • allow adding onDispose callback to Voyager instance after lockdown.

1.1.3 #

  • remove unused imports

1.1.2 #

  • expose VoyagerArgument (if available) in RouteContext

1.1.1 #

  • fix deadlock in code generator

1.1.0 #

  • jar codegen downloader now works using dart:io only
  • improved messaging in case of missing JDK
  • VoyagerListView is now part of voyager_list package BREAKING CHANGE

1.0.7 #

  • Ability to combine WidgetPluginBuilders together using addBuilder
  • more resilient dartfmt resolution
  • use curl instead of wget for codgen jar download

1.0.6 #

  • fix issue where voyager:codgen would not work even though dartfmt was present

1.0.5 #

Code generator improvements:

  • --set-exit-if-changed will set exit to 1 if there was change in generated code
  • You can keep schema in a separate file using sourceSchema field, check out voyager_bloc/example
  • You can scope paths to packages by using package: name in voyager-codegen.yaml and under respective paths in your navigation schema

1.0.4 #

  • make duplicate items (that is having the same id) work properly with VoyagerList

1.0.3 #

  • VoyagerList can now take arguments which ListView.custom normally takes

1.0.2 #

  • Drop VoyagerPaths generated class


Generated paths/types are no longer wrapped in a class, so:


now simply becomes:


If you want to go back to old notation you can addas VoyagerPaths to the import statement, e.g.:

import 'package:example/gen/voyager_gen.dart' as VoyagerPaths;

1.0.1 #

  • add missing import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart'; to generated file

1.0.0 #

  • Full library code test coverage
  • YAML config validation
  • Generated VoyagerData with strong typed Voyager fields.
  • Option to generate PluginStubs based on config validation schema

Add your validation in voyager-codegen.yaml, for instance to cover IconPlugin you can now do this:

- name: Voyager
  source: lib/main.dart
  target: lib/gen/voyager_gen.dart
      pluginStub: true # add if you want a pregenerated plugin stub
      output: Icon # associated Dart class
      import: "package:flutter/widgets.dart" # Dart import for the class, if necessary
      input: # write schema for your the icon node (JSON Schema draft-07 layout)
        type: string
        pattern: "^[a-fA-F0-9]{4}$"

Now whenever you run voyager:codegen you'll get an extra message stating all is fine:

✅ Schema validated properly

or an error specific to your router configuration map, e.g.:

🚨 /fab@icon: #/icon: string [e88fd] does not match pattern ^[a-fA-F0-9]{4}$

Furthermore you gain strong typed reference to the plugin output:

final voyager = VoyagerProvider.of(context);
assert(voyager.icon is Icon);

NOTE: You must tell Router to use generated VoyagerFactory, so that it starts providing extended Voyager instances instead of vanilla ones:

loadRouter(paths(), plugins(), voyagerFactory: voyagerDataFactory)

Finally, pluginStub: true gets you an abstract plugin class, so that you can avoid typing voyager["node_name"] manually. Just focus on parsing the node's config input into an expected output:

class IconPlugin extends IconPluginStub {
  Icon buildObject(RouterContext context, dynamic config) {
    /// write your code here


  • RouterNG becomes Router
  • old VoyagerFactory becomes ProgrammaticVoyagerFactory
  • new VoyagerFactory is used to instantiate generated VoyagerData

0.9.2 #

  • WidgetWrapper no longer runs in tester.runAsync scope by default

0.9.1 #

  • WidgetWrapper for generated tests now has extra 2 parameters, router and scenarios. This should facilitate creation of the wrapping widget.

0.9.0 #

  • support adding config for paths programatically 🎉
router.registerConfig('/home', (context, Voyager voyager) {
  voyager.type = "home";
  voyager[WidgetPlugin.KEY] =
      (BuildContext buildContext) => MockHomeWidget();
  voyager["title"] = "This is Home";

You can also supply a custom inherited Voyager instance...

final VoyagerFactory<CustomVoyager> customVoyagerFactory =
  (abstractContext, context) => CustomVoyager(
    abstractContext.url(), abstractContext.getExtras().parent);

router.registerConfig<CustomVoyager>('/other/:title', (context, voyager) {
  final title = context.params["title"];
  voyager.type = "other";
  voyager.widget = (BuildContext buildContext) => MockOtherWidget();
  voyager.title = "This is a $title";
}, customVoyagerFactory);

If you aim for flexibility you should stick to YAML config and avoid this method. You can mix programmatic and YAML paths together. Code generator doesn't pick up programmatic paths. You have been warned. Use wisely.

  • support supplying VoyagerArgument in automated tests
VoyagerTestObjectItemScenario.write("Talk", (WidgetTester tester) async {
        expect(find.text("Mountain View"), findsOneWidget);
      }, argument: const Talk("Mountain View", "Google I/O 2020", "19 May"))
  • added static code analysis to the project
  • over 90% code coverage

0.8.0 #


  • dropped TypePlugin since it was redundant, but since type has a special place in Voyager, it is exposed as getter and also is validated at runtime, so it must be a String if anything
  • you can now pass custom AssetBundle to loadPathsFromAssets method
  • massive work on improving test coverage of the library - gone from 57% to above 80%
  • WidgetPluginBuilder, better API for adding widget mappings, allows you to skip manual Widget class name typing in the dart code.
final plugins = [
    WidgetPluginBuilder() /// provide widget builders for expressions used in YAML
      .add<HomeWidget>((context) => HomeWidget())
      .add<OtherWidget>((context) => OtherWidget())
    TitlePlugin() /// custom plugin

You can still use the old syntax, but the above one brings more type safety to your code.

0.7.3 #

  • expose VoyagerParent in build context when using a stateless widget

0.7.2 #

  • VoyagerListView, a widget that allows mapping a list of items onto respective list of paths and then displaying them

0.7.1 #

  • add optional Key constructor parameter to VoyagerWidget and VoyagerStatelessWidget

0.7.0 #

  • ...and we're back to stateful widget by default - while you should use StatelessWidget whenever possible, navigation is causing widget recreation which means recreation of Voyager instance - and that's something we don't want to do.
  • generator now supports CupertinoPageRoute that can be specified via additional parameter
generator(routeType: RouterNG.cupertinoRoute)
  • VoyagerArgument is available via Provider whenever you navigate with an argument
  • ability to dispose resources created with WidgetPlugins via onDispose callback:
output.onDispose(() {
  print("disposing resources");

0.6.1 #

  • display information in case dartfmt is missing from your path and you're using code generation tool.

0.6.0 #


  • VoyagerWidget becomes stateless by default. If you want to have stateful behavior, please use VoyagerStatefulWidget
  • Dropped Voyager.fromPath method, it was redundant and confusing. Use constructor directly instead.
  • It is now recommended to wrap your app with Provider<RouterNG>. By doing this you can ommit passing the router parameter to every VoyagerWidget and thus making widget tree more compact since VoyagerWidget don't have to provide router instance themselves.
  value: router,
  child: MaterialApp(
    home: VoyagerWidget(path: initalPath),
    onGenerateRoute: router.generator()
  • VoyagerWidget has now extra cache parameter, meaning it will use RouterNG's caching internally to resolve Voyager instance faster. Depending on your use case you might want to use this or not. Such Voyager instance has no parent.

The decision to change VoyagerWidget to stateless widget and removal of fromPath method was an inspiration after reading the following articles:

It's a MUST READ for any Flutter developer.

0.5.2 #

  • update to patched code generator version

0.5.1 #

  • decrease occurences of voyager instance creation

0.5.0 #

You will be automated, resistance is futile.


  • automated widget tests (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • removal of deprecated VoyagerProvider, see version 0.2.0 for migration steps (VoyagerProvider will return in a changed form...)
  • removal of TypePlugin - it's redundant, omit it in plugins list but still use type in your specs for code generation goodness
  • RedirectPlugin, allows mapping virtual paths to existing ones
  • ScreenPlugin is now called WidgetPlugin, you also need to change screen to widget in your yaml/json specs

0.4.2 #

  • use dartfmt to make sure generated code is formatted corectly

0.4.1 #

  • package health

0.4.0 #

  • code generation for paths, simply run flutter packages pub run voyager:codegen at the top of your flutter project and behold!

0.3.0 #

0.2.3 #

  • json support

0.2.2 #

  • formatting

0.2.1 #

  • fixes around how VoyagerWidget reacts to hot reload
  • improve sample app
  • add a sample app gif to README

0.2.0 #


  • VoyagerProvider is being phased out. Internally Voyager will depend on provider more popular within the community.


  • change VoyagerProvider.of(context) to Provider.of<Voyager>(context)
  • change VoyagerProvider.routerOf(context) to Provider.of<RouterNG>(context)

0.1.1 #

  • Package health fixes

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release



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The widget router and basic dependency injection library for Flutter. Define navigation paths in YAML and power them up with custom plugins.

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unknown (license)


flutter, provider, sprintf, yaml


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