vnpay_flutter 1.0.3
vnpay_flutter: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
A flutter package support to Intergrate with VNPay
VNPAY Flutter Package #
Introduction #
This is a package help interactive with VNPAY
Installation #
Add this to you package's pubspec.yaml file:
vnpay_flutter: ^1.0.0
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Run pub get command
flutter pub get
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Usage/Examples #
final paymentUrl = VNPAYFlutter.instance.generatePaymentUrl(
url: '', //vnpay url, default is
version: '2.0.1', //version of VNPAY, default is 2.0.1
tmnCode: 'XXX', //vnpay tmn code, get from vnpay
txnRef:, //ref code, default is timestamp
orderInfo: 'Pay 30.000 VND', //order info, default is Pay Order
amount: 30000, //amount
returnUrl: '', //
ipAdress: '', //Your IP address
vnpayHashKey: 'XXX', //vnpay hash key, get from vnpay
vnPayHashType: VNPayHashType
.HMACSHA512, //hash type. Default is HmacSHA512, you can chang it in:
paymentUrl: paymentUrl,
onPaymentSuccess: (params) {}, //on mobile transaction success
onPaymentError: (params) {}, //on mobile transaction error
onWebPaymentComplete: (){} //only use in web
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