visma 0.1.1+3 copy "visma: ^0.1.1+3" to clipboard
visma: ^0.1.1+3 copied to clipboard

Visma is visualizing Hisma state machines in the web browser.

Visma is visualizing state machines.

This package can install a command line tool called visma that renders hierarchical state machines created with the hisma package to interactive state machine diagrams. It gets state machine status updates from its counterpart hisma monitor called hisma_visual_monitor and renders them to interactive web pages with the help of the pumli package.

Features #

State machines overview page #


State machine pages #


Visma does not only monitor, you can also fire events from visma ui: #


Getting started #

Prerequisites #

As stated in the first paragraph, visma is using PlantUML, hence PlantUML is a prerequisite for visma. See for PlantUML installation details. Prefer using PlantUML V1.2022.1 as described in pumli (visma internally uses the pumli package to render state machine diagrams).

Installing visma #

If PlantUML and its prerequisites (Java, Graphviz) are installed you can install visma as follows:

$ dart pub global activate visma

Note In order to simplify visma installation, a docker container of visma with preinstalled prerequisites is in the make.

Usage #

You can check visma command line parameters:

$ visma -h
A visualization server for Hisma the hierarchical state machine.
Without parameters it will try running the 'plantuml -picoweb' command as the renderer for visma.

Usage: visma [--bind=BIND] [--port=PORT] [--plantuml_public] | [--plantuml_url=URL] | [--plantuml_jar=JAR --plantuml_bind=BIND --plantuml_port=PORT] [--help]

-p, --port               Port of the visma service listening on.
-b, --bind               Specify bind address of the visma service.
    --plantuml_public    The public PlantUML service will be used as renderer.
    --plantuml_url       PlantUML service at this URL will be used to render.
    --plantuml_port      Port of the PlantUML renderer service that will be started.
    --plantuml_jar       Specify PlantUML jar location.
    --plantuml_bind      Specify bind address of the local PlantUML service to be started.
-h, --help               Shows this help.

Examples #

Simple start from cmd, default parameters

$ visma
"plantuml -picoweb:4020:":

Start from cmd, using specific plantuml jar

$ visma --plantuml_jar files/plantuml/plantuml.1.2022.1.jar
"java -jar, files/plantuml/plantuml.1.2022.1.jar,, -picoweb:4020:":

INFO: 2022-12-31 13:41:31.163360: visma.VisualizationServer: SM PlantUML visualization server stated on InternetAddress('', IPv4):4040

Finally, use hisma_visual_monitor to send state machine updates to visma.

Additional information #

If you have any questions, comments please go to Hisma GitHub Discussions to start or join discussions.

pub points


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Visma is visualizing Hisma state machines in the web browser.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


args, hisma_visual_monitor, logging, pumli


Packages that depend on visma