vietmap_flutter_gl 0.0.2 copy "vietmap_flutter_gl: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
vietmap_flutter_gl: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard

A Flutter plugin for integrating Maplibre Maps inside a Flutter application on Android, iOS and web platforms.

Flutter Maplibre GL #

Flutter CI Generate docs

⚠️ Current notice: the repository has been transferred to the @maplibre organization. You shouldn't see any negative effects, as GitHub automatically redirects references from the old URL to the new URL. Please see #221 for more information.

This Flutter plugin allows to show embedded interactive and customizable vector maps as a Flutter widget.

For the Android and iOS integration, we use maplibre-gl-native. For web, we rely on maplibre-gl-js. This project only supports a subset of the API exposed by these libraries.

This project is a fork of, replacing its usage of Mapbox GL libraries with the open source Maplibre GL libraries.

Please note that this project is community driven and is not affiliated with the company Mapbox.
It does use some of their amazing open source libraries/tools, though. Thank you, Mapbox, for all the open-source work you do!

Using the plugin in your project #

This project is not yet available on You can use it by referencing it in your pubspec.yaml like this:

        ref: main

This will get you the very latest changes from the main branch. You can replace main with the name of the latest release to get a more stable version.

Compared to flutter-mapbox-gl, the only breaking API changes are:

  • MapboxMap <--> MaplibreMap
  • MapboxMapController <--> MaplibreMapController

Documentation #

Documentation is available on the docs branch in the doc/api folder and automatically updated on each push to the main branch. You can easily preview the documentation / API reference here.

Please visit and for more information about the Maplibre libraries.

iOS #

To use this plugin with iOS, you need to add the source repository and 2 additional pods to your Podfile, as shown in the example app:

source ''
source ''

pod 'MapLibre'
pod 'MapLibreAnnotationExtension'

Web #

Include the following JavaScript and CSS files in the <head> of the web/index.html file.

<script src=''></script>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' />

Supported API #

Feature Android iOS Web
User Location

Map Styles #

Map styles can be supplied by setting the styleString in the MapOptions. The following formats are supported:

  1. Passing the URL of the map style. This should be a custom map style served remotely using a URL that start with 'http(s)://'
  2. Passing the style as a local asset. Create a JSON file in the assets and add a reference in pubspec.yml. Set the style string to the relative path for this asset in order to load it into the map.
  3. Passing the style as a local file. create an JSON file in app directory (e.g. ApplicationDocumentsDirectory). Set the style string to the absolute path of this JSON file.
  4. Passing the raw JSON of the map style. This is only supported on Android.

Tile sources requiring an API key #

If your tile source requires an API key, we recommend directly specifying a source url with the API key included. For example:{z}/{x}/{y}.vector.pbf?api_key={your_key}

Location features #

Android #

Add the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION or ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION permission in the application manifest android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml to enable location features in an Android application:

<manifest ...
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />

Starting from Android API level 23 you also need to request it at runtime. This plugin does not handle this for you. The example app uses the flutter 'location' plugin for this.

iOS #

To enable location features in an iOS application:

If you access your users' location, you should also add the following key to ios/Runner/Info.plist to explain why you need access to their location data:

xml ...
    <string>[Your explanation here]</string>

A possible explanation could be: "Shows your location on the map".

Getting Help #

  • Need help with your code?: Check the discussions on this repo or open a new one. Or look for previous questions on the #maplibre tag — or ask a new question.
  • Have a bug to report? Open an issue. If possible, include a full log and information which shows the issue.
  • Have a feature request? Open an issue. Tell us what the feature should do and why you want the feature.

Running in GitHub Codespaces #

When you open this project in GitHub Codespaces, you can run the example app on web with the command flutter run -d web-server --web-hostname=

Codespaces should automatically take care of the necessary port forwarding, so that you can view the running web app on your local device or in a new tab.

Please note: the Docker image used to setup the Codespace is from CirrusCI and sets the Git username and email to CirrusCI default values. You should set these correctly, if you plan on committing from the Codespace.

Fixing common issues #

Avoid Android UnsatisfiedLinkError #

Update buildTypes in android\app\build.gradle

buildTypes {
    release {
        // other configs
        ndk {
            abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a','arm64-v8a','x86_64', 'x86'

Flutter 3.x.x issues #

Since Flutter 3.x.x was introduced, it exposed some race conditions resulting in occasional crashes upon map disposal. The parameter useDelayedDisposal was introduced as a workaround for this issue until Flutter and/or Maplibre fix this issue properly. Use with caution.

iOS app crashes on startup #

Please include the NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription as described here

Layer is not displayed on IOS, but no error #

Have a look in your LayerProperties object, if you supply a lineColor argument, (or any color argument) the issue might come from here. Android supports the following format : 'rgba(192, 192, 255, 1.0)', but on iOS, this doesn't work!

You have to have the color in the following format : #C0C0FF

iOS crashes with error: 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: 'Invalid filter value: filter property must be a string' #

Check if one of your expression is : ["!has", "value"]. Android support this format, but iOS does not. You can replace your expression with : ["!",["has", "value"] ] which works both in Android and iOS.

Note : iOS will display the error : NSPredicate: Use of 'mgl_does:have:' as an NSExpression function is forbidden, but it seems like the expression still works well.

Contributing #

Feedback and contributions are very welcome!

pub points



A Flutter plugin for integrating Maplibre Maps inside a Flutter application on Android, iOS and web platforms.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, maplibre_gl_platform_interface


Packages that depend on vietmap_flutter_gl