videosdk_otel 0.0.2
videosdk_otel: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
A framework for collecting traces from applications.
videosdk_otel for Dart #
This repo is intended to be the Dart implementation of the videosdk_otel project, with a long-term goal of being open sourced.
All contributions and designs should follow the videosdk_otel specification in an effort to be consistent with all other languages.
Getting Started #
First, you will need to configure at least one exporter. An exporter determines what happens to the spans you collect. The current options are:
Exporter | Description |
CollectorExporter | Sends Spans to a configured videosdk_otel-collector. |
ConsoleExporter | Prints Spans to the console. |
Span Exporters #
The CollectorExporter requires a Uri of the videosdk_otel-collector instance's trace collector.
import 'package:videosdk_otel/sdk.dart' as otel_sdk;
final exporter = otel_sdk.CollectorExporter(Uri.parse(''));
The ConsoleExporter has no requirements, and has no configuration options.
import 'package:videosdk_otel/sdk.dart' as otel_sdk;
final exporter = otel_sdk.ConsoleExporter();
Span Processors #
Next, you will need at least one span processor. A span processor is responsible for collecting the spans you create and feeding them to the exporter. The current options are:
SpanProcessor | Description |
BatchSpanProcessor | Batches spans to be exported on a configured time interval. |
SimpleSpanProcessor | Executes the provided exporter immediately upon closing the span. |
BatchSpanProcessors collect up to 2048 spans per interval, and executes the provided exporter on a timer.
Option | Description | Default |
maxExportBatchSize | At most, how many spans are processed per batch. | 512 |
scheduledDelay | How long to collect spans before processing them. | 5000 ms |
import 'package:videosdk_otel/sdk.dart' as otel_sdk;
final exporter = otel_sdk.ConsoleExporter();
final processor = otel_sdk.BatchSpanProcessor(exporter, scheduledDelay: 10000);
A SimpleSpanProcessor has no configuration options, and executes the exporter when each span is closed.
import 'package:videosdk_otel/sdk.dart' as otel_sdk;
final exporter = otel_sdk.ConsoleExporter();
final processor = otel_sdk.SimpleSpanProcessor(exporter);
Tracer Provider #
A trace provider registers your span processors, and is responsible for managing any tracers.
Option | Description | Default |
processors | A list of SpanProcessors to register. | A SimpleSpanProcessor configured with a ConsoleExporter. |
import 'package:videosdk_otel/sdk.dart' as otel_sdk;
final exporter = otel_sdk.CollectorExporter(Uri.parse(''));
final processor = otel_sdk.BatchSpanProcessor(exporter);
// Send spans to a collector every 5 seconds
final provider = otel_sdk.TracerProvider([processor]);
// Optionally, multiple processors can be registered
final provider = otel_sdk.TracerProvider([
// Register the tracer provider as a global, so the MSDK middleware has access to it.
final tracer = provider.getTracer('instrumentation-name');
// or
final tracer = otel_sdk.globalTracerProvider.getTracer('instrumentation-name');
Tracer Provider with Browser Performance Features
A web-specific trace provider is also available. This trace provider makes available configurable options using the browser's performance API.
import 'package:videosdk_otel/sdk.dart' as otel_sdk;
import 'package:videosdk_otel/web_sdk.dart' as web_sdk;
final exporter = otel_sdk.CollectorExporter(Uri.parse(''));
final processor = otel_sdk.BatchSpanProcessor(exporter);
// This provider is configured to create tracers which use the browser's
// performance API instead of Dart's DateTime class when determining
// timestamps for any spans they create.
final provider = web_sdk.WebTracerProvider(
processors: [processor],
timeProvider: web_sdk.WebTimeProvider()
// This tracer has been configured to use the browser's performance API when
// determining timestamps for any spans it creates.
final tracer = provider.getTracer('instrumentation-name');
// Or, these trace providers can also be registered globally.
final tracer = otel_sdk.globalTracerProvider.getTracer('instrumentation-name');
Important Note: Span timestamps resulting from use of this trace provider may be inaccurate if the executing system is suspended for sleep. See for more information.
Collecting Spans #
To start a span, execute startSpan
on the tracer with the name of what you are tracing. When complete, call end
on the span.
final span = tracer.startSpan('doingWork');
To create children spans, you must set the parent span as "current", and execute work within withContext
final checkoutSpan = tracer.startSpan('checkout');
withContext(setSpan(Context.current, checkoutSpan), () {
final ringUpSpan = tracer.startSpan('ringUp');
final receiveSpan = tracer.startSpan('receiveCash');
final returnSpan = tracer.startSpan('returnChange');
To avoid needing to pass spans around as arguments to other functions, you can get the current span with Context.current.span
doWork() {
Span parentSpan = Context.current.span;
Context.current.withSpan(parentSpan).execute(() {
Span span = tracer.startSpan('doWork');
Development #
In order to generate protobuf definitions, you must have protoc installed and available in your path.