video_uploader 1.2.4 copy "video_uploader: ^1.2.4" to clipboard
video_uploader: ^1.2.4 copied to clipboard

This flutter plugin is an easy way to upload video to

badge   badge   badge Flutter video uploader is the video infrastructure for product builders. Lightning fast video APIs for integrating, scaling, and managing on-demand & low latency live streaming features in your app.

Table of contents #

Project description #'s Flutter uploader uploads videos to using delegated upload token or API Key.

It allows you to upload videos in two ways:

  • standard upload: to send a whole video file in one go
  • progressive upload: to send a video file by chunks, without needing to know the final size of the video file

Getting started #

Installation #

Run the following command at the root of your project:

flutter pub add video_uploader

This will add the following lines to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  video_uploader: ^1.2.4

Android #


Permissions android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO (for API 33+) or android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (for API < 33) will be requested by this library at runtime.

The uploader comes with a notification to show the progress. So if your application targets Android 33+, you might request android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission at runtime.

When targeting Android API Level 34+, you must declare the service type in your application's manifest file. In your AndroidManifest.xml file, add the following lines in the <application> tag:

    android:foregroundServiceType="dataSync" />


To customize the notification to your own brand, you can change the icon, color or channel name by overwriting the following resources in your own application resources:

  • the icon: R.drawable.ic_upload_notification
  • the color: R.color.upload_notification_color
  • the channel name: R.string.upload_notification_channel_name

Code sample #

import 'package:video_uploader/video_uploader.dart';

var video = await ApiVideoUploader.uploadWithUploadToken("YOUR_UPLOAD_TOKEN", "path/to/my-video.mp4");

Dependencies #

This project is using external library

Swift-video-uploader Swift-video-uploader
android-video-uploader android-video-uploader


If you have any questions, ask us in the community or use Issues.