video_player_win 1.1.1 copy "video_player_win: ^1.1.1" to clipboard
video_player_win: ^1.1.1 copied to clipboard

Video player for Windows, lightweight, using Windows built-in Media Foundation API. Windows implementation of the video_player plugin.

video_player_win #

pub version

Flutter Video player for Windows, lightweight, using Windows built-in Media Foundation API. Windows implementation of the video_player plugin.

Platform Support #

This package itself support only Windows.

But use it with video_player, you can write once then support Windows / Android / iOS / Web at the same time.

Android / iOS / Web is supported by video_player

Built-in control panel & Fullscreen & Subtitle support #

If your application will run on Windows / Android / iOS / Web, or if you want a built-in video control panel, or if you need to show subtitles, please use package video_player_control_panel instead. Which also use this package to play media on Windows.

Play 4K 60fps video in Windows #

This package use texture to display video, so play 4K or 60fps video should be slow.

You can try webview_win_floating to play 4K video by webview on Windows. It use native WebView2 component. If your PC can play 4K video on Microsoft Edge, it may be playable on webview_win_floating too.

Features & Limitations #

This package use native Media Foundation API pre-built in Windows OS. So:

  • No GPL / LGPL 3rd-party library inside.
  • only one dll file (about 128 KB) added as a plugin.

But, as a trade-off, there are some limtations:

  • Playback will use codecs preloaded in Windows OS. If you want to play some video format that not supported by these preloaded codecs, you need to install 3rd-party codecs exe file, about 18 MB. (see the next section).

And, this package display video frames by texture, so it may cost more CPU (in my 720p video file, cost about 20% CPU loading in my 9-years-old slow $70 AMD A8-5600K CPU, where WMP cost about 2%, and another well-known package cost about 15%).

Supported Formats in Windows (Important !) #

This package use Windows built-in Media Foundation API. So playback video will use the codecs preload in your Windows environment. All the media format can be played by WMP (Windows Media Player) can also be played by this package. However, the preloaded codecs in Windows is limited.

If you have a media file cannot played by this package, ALSO CANNOT played by WMP (Windows Media Player), it means that this media file is not support by codecs preloaded in your Windows.

In this case, please install ONE of the following codec pack into your Windows:

You can also auto-install for users when your application first launched by the following sample command:

shell>  K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1730_Basic.exe /silent

with the following sample Dart code:

import 'dart:io';'E:\\K-Lite_Codec_Pack_1730_Basic.exe', ['/silent']).then((value) {
  if (value.exitCode == 0) log("installation success");
  else log("installation failed");

After install the codec pack, most of the media format are supported.

Quick Start #

Installation #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  video_player: ^2.4.7
  video_player_win: ^1.1.0


  video_player: ^2.4.7
      ref: master

Usage #

register player first #

Before starting play media, you should add the following code:

import 'package:video_player_win/video_player_win_plugin.dart';

if (!kIsWeb && Platform.isWindows) WindowsVideoPlayer.registerWith();

video / audio playback #

Play from network source:

var controller ="");
controller.initialize().then((value) {
  if (controller.value.isInitialized) {;
  } else {
    log("video file load failed");
}).catchError((e) {
  log("controller.initialize() error occurs: $e");

Play from file:

var controller = VideoPlayerController.file(File("E:\\test.mp4"));

If the file is a video, build a display widget to show video frames:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return VideoPlayer(controller);

operations #

  • Play:;
  • Pause: controller.pause();
  • Seek: controller.seekTo( Duration(minute: 10, second:30) );
  • set playback speed: (normal speed: 1.0) controller.setPlaybackSpeed(1.5);
  • set volume: (max: 1.0 , mute: 0.0) controller.setVolume(0.5);
  • set looping: controller.setLooping(true);
  • free resource: controller.dispose();

Listen playback events and values #

void onPlaybackEvent() {
	final value = controller.value;
	// value.isInitialized (bool)
	// value.size (Size, video size)
	// value.duration (Duration)
	// value.isPlaying (bool)
	// value.isBuffering (bool)
	// value.position (Duration)
controller.removeListener(onPlaybackEvent); // remember to removeListener()

Release resource #


standalone mode #

If your app only runs on Windows, and you want to remove library dependencies as many as possible, you can modify pubspec.yaml file:

  # video_player: ^2.4.7 # mark this line, for Windows only app
  video_player_win: ^1.0.1

and modify all the following class name in your code:

VideoPlayer -> WinVideoPlayer  // add "Win" prefix
VideoPlayerController -> WinVideoPlayerController  // add "Win" prefix

just only modify class names. All the properties / method are the same with video_player

Example #

import 'dart:developer';
import 'dart:io';

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:video_player_win/video_player_win.dart';

void main() {
  runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
  const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);

  State<MyApp> createState() => _MyAppState();

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {

  late VideoPlayerController controller;

  void initState() {
    controller = VideoPlayerController.file(File("E:\\test_youtube.mp4"));
    controller.initialize().then((value) {
      if (controller.value.isInitialized) {;
        setState(() {});
      } else {
        log("video file load failed");

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('video_player_win example app'),

        body: Stack(children: [
            bottom: 0,
            child: Column(children: [
                valueListenable: controller,
                builder: ((context, value, child) {
                  int minute = controller.value.position.inMinutes;
                  int second = controller.value.position.inSeconds % 60;
                  return Text("$minute:$second", style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6!.copyWith(color: Colors.white, backgroundColor: Colors.black54));
              ElevatedButton(onPressed: () =>, child: const Text("Play")),
              ElevatedButton(onPressed: () => controller.pause(), child: const Text("Pause")),
              ElevatedButton(onPressed: () => controller.seekTo(Duration(milliseconds: controller.value.position.inMilliseconds+ 10*1000)), child: const Text("Forward")),
pub points


unverified uploader

Video player for Windows, lightweight, using Windows built-in Media Foundation API. Windows implementation of the video_player plugin.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface, video_player_platform_interface


Packages that depend on video_player_win