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Flutter plugin for Veriff SDK. It allows you to integrate ID verification solution provided by Veriff into your application.

veriff_flutter #

Flutter plugin for Veriff.

Requirements #

Integration with Veriff Flutter Plugin requires the project to target at least iOS version 11.0 and Android version 5.0 (api 21) or higher.

Add plugin to a project #

Add the Veriff Flutter Plugin to your pubspec.yaml file:


iOS specific configuration #

Add usage descriptions to application Info.plist

Not adding these usage descriptions causes system to kill application when it requests the permissions when needed.

Veriff requires camera, microphone, photo library and optionally NFC reader permissions for capturing photos, video and scanning passport during identification. Your application is responsible to describe the reason why camera, microphone, photo library and NFC reader is used. You must add 3 descriptions listed below to Info.plist of your application with the explanation of the usage.

  • NSCameraUsageDescription
  • NSMicrophoneUsageDescription
  • NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription

Add required steps for NFC scanning

  1. Add NFCReaderUsageDescription description to Info.plist.

  2. The application needs to define the list of application IDs or AIDs it can connect to, in the Info.plist file. The AID is a way of uniquely identifying an application on a ISO 7816 tag, which is usually defined by a standard.

  3. Add a new entitlement for NFC scanning, available since iOS 13. This new entitlement is added automatically by Xcode when enabling the Near Field Communication Tag Reading capability in the target Signing & Capabilities. After enabling the capability the *.entitlements file needs to contain the TAG format:


Set the iOS target in Xcode

Make sure that the 'iOS Deployment Target' in Xcode (under Project > target > Info > Deployment Target) is set to iOS 11.0 or later.

Starting verification flow #

Import plugin in your code

In order to use Veriff plugin, please import it to your class that will use it.

import 'package:veriff_flutter/veriff_flutter.dart'

Start verification flow

In order to start the verification flow please create a configuration with sessionUrl you receive from your backend implementation[Required].

Configuration config = Configuration(sessionUrl);

Then pass the configuration to Veriff object and start the verification flow;

Veriff veriff = Veriff();

try {
      Result result = await veriff.start(config);
    } on PlatformException {
      // handle exception

Customize user interface (Optional)

You can customize Veriff SDK user interface in your application by defining your brand main color and logo.

See the Veriff SDK customization guide document to see what it looks like.

Veriff Flutter plugin allows the customization of your brand's colors, font and logo in the SDK flow by passing the optional parameters when launching Veriff;

String regularFontPath = "fonts/Regular.otf";
String mediumFontPath = "fonts/Medium.otf";
String boldFontPath = "fonts/Bold.otf";
Fonts fonts = Fonts(
    regularFontPath: regularFontPath, 
    mediumFontPath: mediumFontPath, 
    boldFontPath: boldFontPath
Branding branding = Branding(
    logo: AssetImage(path_of_image),
    background: "#f2ff00",
    onBackground: "#ff00ff",
    onBackgroundSecondary: "#52b35c",
    onBackgroundTertiary: "#3a593d",
    primary: "#123abc",
    onPrimary: "#ff00ff",
    secondary: "#f2ff00",
    onSecondary: "#ff7700",
    cameraOverlay: "#59496a",
    onCameraOverlay: "#e27e23",
    outline: "#ff00ff",
    error: "#ff0000",
    success: "#00ff00",
    buttonRadius: 5,
    fonts: fonts

And pass the branding object with configuration for starting the verification flow;

Configuration config = Configuration(sessionUrl, branding: branding);

When a color isn't defined, the default Veriff theme color is used.

Setting the user interface language

Veriff Flutter plugin supports setting the language of the UI. In order to use this feature, please pass the locale identifier as in example below;

Configuration config = Configuration(sessionUrl, branding: branding, languageLocale: "et");

Custom intro screen

Veriff supports replacing introduction screen with a custom client developed introduction screen for eligible clients. First, please ask about this possibility from your account manager. In case we can offer it for you then removal process is following:

  • You agree your own introduction screen visuals and copy with our account manager and get relevant legal documents signed in case their needed.
  • After that Veriff will enable custom introduction screen from backend for your integrations.
  • After you have implemented your own introduction screen you can change the configuration option specified below.
config.useCustomIntroScreen = true;

Handling the results from plugin

The Result returned by start method will have a status that is one of Status.done, Status.canceled and Status.error. In case Status.error is received, you will also have an error description that is one of the list below;

  • Error.cameraUnavailable
  • Error.microphoneUnavailable
  • Error.networkError
  • Error.sessionError
  • Error.deprecatedSDKVersion
  • Error.unknown
  • Error.nfcError
  • Error.setupError
  • Error.none
pub points



Flutter plugin for Veriff SDK. It allows you to integrate ID verification solution provided by Veriff into your application.



unknown (license)




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