velvet_support 0.0.1-dev.3 velvet_support: ^0.0.1-dev.3 copied to clipboard
Provide support classes for the everyday work. Porting of some Laravel utilities to Dart.
Support #
A porting of Laravel Support package to Dart.
The main goal of this package is to provide a set of utilities that are present in Laravel's Support package.
This package is not intended to be a 1:1 porting of Laravel's Support package, but rather a subset of the most useful utilities.
Due to the nature of Dart, some utilities can be have a different: in Laravel contains
handles both string and array, in Dart this is not possibile, so it mandatory to define also a containsAny
method (that does not exists in Laravel).
Why this package? #
- Consistency: If you are familiar with Laravel's Support package, you can use this package to have a more consistent codebase between Laravel and Dart projects.
- Speed up development: Using this package can help to speed up the development process, avoiding to re-implement the same utilities in Dart from scratch.
- Readability: This package can help to make a more readable code, using the same utilities that you are familiar with.
- Avoid bugs: Each feature of this package will be tested to ensure that it works as expected. This can help to avoid bugs and unexpected behaviors that can be present in custom implementations.
Installation #
This package is not yet published on, so you need to install it from GitHub.
Using github #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml
url: git://
Features #
List of utilities and facades. The definition is currently a work in progress, so it can be incomplete or not up to date.
- ❌ Array and Object
- ❌ Number
- ❌ Collection
- ❌ Url
- ❌ Miscellaneous
- ❌ Carbon
- ❌ Pipeline
- ❌ Sleep
- ❌ Http Client
- [Wip] Str
- [Wip] Stringable
To do #
- ❌ Move this list to a GitHub project board
- [Wip] Str
- ✅ list all "implementable" methods on this README's roadmap
- ✅ after
- ✅ afterLast
- ❌ apa (currently skipped)
- ❌ ascii (currently skipped)
- ✅ before
- ✅ beforeLast
- ✅ between
- ✅ betweenFirst
- ✅ camel
- ❌ charAt
- ✅ contains
- ❌ containsAny (this is not implemented in Laravel, because it is handled by contains)
- ❌ containsAll
- ❌ convertCase (currently skipped)
- ❌ endsWith
- ❌ endsWithAny (this is not implemented in Laravel, because it is handled by endsWith)
- ❌ excerpt
- ❌ finish
- ❌ headline
- ❌ inlineMarkdown
- ❌ is
- ❌ isAscii
- ❌ isJson
- ❌ isUlid
- ❌ isUrl
- ❌ isUuid
- ✅ kebab
- ❌ lcfirst
- ❌ length
- ❌ limit
- ✅ lower
- ❌ markdown
- ❌ mask
- ❌ orderedUuid
- ❌ padBoth
- ❌ padLeft
- ❌ padRight
- ❌ password
- ❌ plural
- ❌ pluralStudly
- ❌ position
- ❌ random
- ❌ remove
- ❌ repeat
- ❌ replace
- ❌ replaceArray
- ❌ replaceFirst
- ❌ replaceLast
- ❌ replaceMatches
- ❌ replaceStart
- ❌ replaceEnd
- ❌ reverse
- ❌ singular
- ✅ snake
- ❌ squish
- ❌ start
- ❌ startsWith
- ✅ studly
- ❌ substr
- ❌ substrCount
- ❌ substrReplace
- ❌ swap
- ❌ take
- ❌ title
- ❌ toBase64
- ❌ toHtmlString
- ❌ trim
- ❌ ltrim
- ❌ rtrim
- ❌ ucfirst
- ❌ ucsplit
- ✅ upper
- ❌ ulid
- ❌ unwrap
- ❌ uuid
- ❌ wordCount
- ❌ wordWrap
- ❌ words
- ❌ wrap
- [Wip] Stringable
- ❌ list all "implementable" methods on this README's roadmap
- ❌ Arr
- ❌ list all "implementable" methods on this README's roadmap
- ❌ Collection
- ❌ list all "implementable" methods on this README's roadmap
- ❌ Number
- ❌ list all "implementable" methods on this README's roadmap
- ❌ Publish the package on
- ❌ Add CI/CD
- ❌ Add code coverage
- ❌ Add badges to the README
- ❌ Add examples to the README
- ❌ Add a file
- ❌ Add a file
- ❌ Add a LICENSE file
- ❌ Add a file
Usage #
The usage of each implemented utility is similar to Laravel's Support package. Please refer to Laravel's documentation for more information:
- Str utilities:
Some examples to use the Str utilities:
import 'package:velvet_support/support.dart';
void main() {
// Example of using the Str::camel method
print(Str.camel('hello_world')); // Output: helloWorld
// Example of using the Str::kebab method
print(Str.kebab('helloWorld')); // Output: hello-world
// Example of using the Str::snake method
print(Str.snake('helloWorld')); // Output: hello_world
// Example of using the Str::studly method
print(Str.studly('hello_world')); // Output: HelloWorld
// Example of using the Str::upper method
print(Str.upper('helloWorld')); // Output: HELLOWORLD
// Example of using the Str::lower method
print(Str.lower('helloWorld')); // Output: helloworld
Some examples to use the Stringable utilities:
import 'package:velvet_support/support.dart';
void main() {
var phrase = 'My name is: Daniele.';
var name = Str.of(phrase)
.after('My name is: ')
.toString(); // Output: Daniele
Contributing #
This package is a work in progress, so any contribution is welcome.
If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request.
License #
This package is licensed under the MIT license.