- FIX: remove meta from dependencies_overrides and downgrade analyzer to ^6.4.1. (15750a93)
- FIX: add dependency_overrides for meta package. (86bd4060)
- REFACTOR: move BaseRoute transition logic to specific mixin. (d7258811)
- FEAT: add core with base Config class. (db98887a)
- REFACTOR: rewrite exports using generate-index. (8f829d83)
- REFACTOR: remove dead import and regenerate router_provider. (e6434ec4)
- REFACTOR: now flutter_i18n load files from translation folder. (965bc9a8)
- FIX(translation): now use default from config. (164c9870)
- FEAT(translation): add boostrap function to load locale from store. (63f4c527)
- FEAT(translation): add LocaleStorable. (c0198a17)
- FEAT(translation): load locale from os (optionally, defined by config). (92c4d768)
- FEAT: add useInputState and useFormState. (1e30f25b)
- FEAT: add remove in Storable class. (2808d678)
- FIX: fallback dioException message on HttpRequestException. (b5479317)
- FEAT: add dioInstance getter on Http. (7c33bdaa)
- FIX(http): HttpRequestBadResponseHandlerContract method accept as args dioException and httpRequest. (1671afd6)
- FEAT: add vendor exports in entrypoint. (f2b0edc1)
- FEAT: rename client to http and wrap each exception. (9abbf421)
- REVERT: remove unuseful ClientResponseListMapper mixin. (3cf3361b)
- FEAT: add export of client. (62969d17)
- FEAT: add client wrap around dio. (a0963daf)
- REVERT: remove vendor exports. (976cfea9)
- FIX: hide store, export flutter_hooks and remove exports of envied. (0aa978c8)
- FIX: add missing store exports. (7bade1d1)
- FIX: add keepAlive in dev_inspector_config_provider and translation_config_provider. (17460426)
- FIX: export flutter_riverpod instead of riverpod. (2d457d1d)
- REFACTOR: remove unused secondary var from WireframeDark. (ddbb3a4c)
- FIX: remove envied config. (0f82630f)
- FIX: rename usePostBuildCallback dir. (728d2b5d)
- FEAT: update entrypoint with each export. (70f0246b)
- FEAT: update bind and add bindAsync on Kernel. (da32275f)
- REVERT: remove color_shade deps. (bb75ebb3)
- FIX: remove .flutter-plugins files. (d055060c)
- FIX: routerProvider returns Future. (6761069c)
- DOCS: clean README.md and add Contributing and License. (e1bb86b9)
- DOCS: add example. (94fce6fe)
- DOCS: update description. (a07f129c)
- DOCS: clean CHANGELOG.md on each package.
- DOCS: add LICENSE file on each package.
- FEAT: import and init packages development.