valida 0.2.0 valida: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Create field, params and object validators from code annotations.
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:valida/valida.dart';
import 'package:valida_example/all_validators.dart';
part 'main.g.dart';
// global config from build.yaml
// more annotations
// custom validator ergonomics, for field and for class
// nested validation execution and result
@Valida(nullableErrorLists: true, customValidate: FormTest._customValidate)
class FormTest {
static List<ValidaError> _customValidate(FormTest value) {
return [];
minLength: 15,
maxLength: 50,
matches: r'^[a-zA-Z]+$',
customValidate: _customValidateStr,
description: 'should have between 15 and 50 bytes, only letters'
" and cannot be 'WrongValue'",
final String longStr;
@ValidaString(maxLength: 20, contains: '@')
final String shortStr;
@ValidaNum(isInt: true, min: 0, customValidate: FormTest._customValidateNum)
final num positiveInt;
static List<ValidaError> _customValidateNum(num value) {
return [];
static List<ValidaError> _customValidate2(FormTest value) {
return [
if (value.optionalDecimal == null && value.identifier == null)
errorCode: 'CustomError.not',
message: 'CustomError message',
property: 'identifier',
value: value,
List<ValidaError> _customValidate3() {
return _customValidate2(this);
min: 0,
max: 1,
comp: ValidaComparison<num>(
less: CompVal(0),
moreEq: CompVal.list([CompVal.ref('positiveInt')]),
final double? optionalDecimal;
@ValidaList(minLength: 1, each: ValidaString(isDate: true, maxLength: 3))
final List<String> nonEmptyList;
@ValidaString(isUUID: UUIDVersion.v4)
final String? identifier;
final NestedField? nested;
maxLength: 2,
each: ValidaNested(
overrideValidation: NestedFieldValidation.fromValue,
omit: false,
customValidate: FormTest._customValidateNestedListItem,
final List<NestedField>? nestedList;
final Map<String, NestedField?> nestedMap;
each: ValidaNested<NestedField>(omit: true),
final Set<NestedField?> nestedSet;
final CustomList<NestedField?> nestedNullableList;
static List<ValidaError> _customValidateNestedListItem(NestedField f) {
return [
if (f.timeStr == '00:00')
errorCode: '00:00',
message: "Can't have a time 00:00 for values in list.",
property: 'timeStr',
value: f,
const FormTest({
required this.longStr,
required this.shortStr,
required this.positiveInt,
required this.optionalDecimal,
required this.nonEmptyList,
required this.identifier,
this.nestedMap = const {},
this.nestedSet = const {},
this.nestedNullableList = const CustomList([]),
List<ValidaError> _customValidateStr(String value) {
// Validate `value` and return a list of errors
return [
if (value == 'WrongValue')
errorCode: 'CustomError.wrong',
message: 'WrongValue is not allowed',
property: 'longStr',
value: value,
@Valida<NestedField>(enumFields: false)
class NestedField {
@ValidaString(isTime: true)
final String timeStr;
@ValidaDate(min: '2021-01-01')
final DateTime dateWith2021Min;
@ValidaDate(max: 'now')
final DateTime? optionalDateWithNowMax;
final GenericModel<NestedField?, String>? genericModel;
final List<GenericModel<String, NestedField>> genericModelList;
const NestedField({
required this.timeStr,
required this.dateWith2021Min,
required this.optionalDateWithNowMax,
this.genericModelList = const [],
List<ValidaError> _customValidateSingleFunction(SingleFunctionArgs args) {
return [
if ( == 'none' && args.lastName == 'NONE')
property: 'name',
errorCode: 'Custom.noNoneName',
message: "Can't have a 'none' name and a 'NONE' last name",
@Valida<Object>(genericValidator: Validators.instance)
class GenericModel<T, O extends Object> {
final T value;
// @ValidaList(minLength: 3, each: ValidaNested<O>(overrideValidation: Validators.validate))
final List<O> objects;
@ValidaString(minLength: 1)
final String? params;
required this.value,
required this.objects,
@Valida(customValidate: _customValidateSingleFunction)
int singleFunction(
@ValidaString(isLowercase: true, isAlpha: true) String name, [
@ValidaString(isUppercase: true, isAlpha: true) String lastName = 'NONE',
List<Map<String, CustomList<FormTest>>>? nestedList,
]) {
final validation = SingleFunctionArgs(name, lastName, nestedList).validate();
if (validation.hasErrors) {
throw validation;
return name.length + lastName.length;
int _singleFunction2(
@ValidaString(isLowercase: true, isAlpha: true) String name, {
@ValidaString(isUppercase: true, isAlpha: true) String lastName = 'NONE',
@ValidaList<Object>(minLength: 1) required List<Object> nonEmptyList,
// ignore: strict_raw_type
Map<NestedField, List>? dynamicList,
}) {
// ignore: unused_local_variable
final validated = _SingleFunction2Args(
lastName: lastName,
nonEmptyList: nonEmptyList,
dynamicList: dynamicList,
return name.length + lastName.length + nonEmptyList.length;
class CustomList<T> extends DelegatingList<T> {
const CustomList(super.base);