utopia_hooks 0.4.4+7 utopia_hooks: ^0.4.4+7 copied to clipboard
A comprehensive but flexible state management solution inspired by React Hooks.
0.4.4+7 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix bug in HookWidget during multi-rebuilds.
0.4.4+6 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Allow for multiple builds per frame in HookWidget.
0.4.4+5 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Improve error handling.
0.4.4+4 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix useEffect.
0.4.4+3 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix HookContextStateMixin.
0.4.4+2 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix useCombinedInitializationState.
0.4.4+1 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix useMemoized.
0.4.4 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Update dependencies.
- FIX(utopia_collections): Update dependencies.
- FEAT(utopia_hooks): Implement diagnostics.
0.4.3+9 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.4.3+8 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix memoization issue in usePersistedState.
0.4.3+7 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Export useAsyncSnapshotErrorHandler.
0.4.3+6 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix HookProviderContainerWidget.
0.4.3+5 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix HookProviderContainer.waitUntil.
0.4.3+4 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Remove unnecessary check in HookProviderContainer refresh.
0.4.3+3 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix SimpleHookProviderContainer.
0.4.3+2 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix SimpleHookContext and SimpleHookProviderContainer.
0.4.3+1 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Check for isMounted in usePeriodicalSignal.
0.4.3 #
- FEAT(utopia_hooks): Improve useListenable/useValueListenable hooks to allow for selective rebuilding.
0.4.2 #
- FEAT(utopia_hooks_riverpod): Initial release.
- FEAT(utopia_hooks): Expose HookContextStateMixin.
0.4.1 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Export src/misc/listenable_value.dart.
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix ProviderWidget.updateShouldNotify.
- FEAT(utopia_hooks): Add
parameter to SimpleHookContext constructor. - FEAT(utopia_hooks): Extract ProviderContext, add CombinedInitializationState.
0.4.0+4 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): README.
0.4.0+3 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): README.
0.4.0+2 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): README.
0.4.0+1 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): README.
0.4.0 #
- Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.
0.4.0-dev.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: Decouple hooks and prepare architecture v2.
0.3.12+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.12 #
- FEAT(utopia_arch): Make PersistedState implement MutableValue.
0.3.11 #
- FEAT(utopia_hooks): Add skipIfInProgress to SubmitState.runSimple.
0.3.10 #
- FEAT(utopia_hooks): Add child to HookStateProvider.
0.3.9+5 #
- FIX(utopia_hooks): Fix initial value in StatelessTextEditingControllerWrapper.
0.3.9+4 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.9+3 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.9+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.9+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.9 #
- FEAT: Add StatelessTextControllerWrapper.mutableValue.
0.3.8+1 #
- FIX: Export useMemoizedIf.
0.3.8 #
- FEAT: Add useMemoizedIf.
0.3.7+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.7+1 #
- FIX: Export usePeriodicalSignal.
0.3.7 #
- FEAT: Add StatelessTextControllerWrapper.controllerProvider.
0.3.6+3 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.6+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.6+1 #
- FIX: Fix SubmitState shouldSubmit condition.
0.3.6 #
- FEAT: Memoize PersistedState.
0.3.5+4 #
- FIX: Change PersistedState argument order.
0.3.5+3 #
- FIX: Export PersistedState.
0.3.5+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.5+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.5 #
- FEAT: Cleanup, add usePeriodicalSignal, add HookStateProvider.
0.3.4+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.4 #
- FEAT: Fix useValueListenableListener memoization issue.
0.3.3+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.3+1 #
- FIX: Update exports.
0.3.3 #
- FEAT: Add useDebounced, usePreviousIfNull and useWithSelf.
0.3.2+11 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+10 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+9 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+8 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+7 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+6 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+5 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+4 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+3 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.2+1 #
- FIX: ensure isMounted in useSubmitState.
0.3.2 #
- FIX: Add documentation.
- FEAT: Update Flutter to 3.0.0.
- FEAT: Add .cleared state to ComputedStateValue; extract ComputedIterableWrapper.
0.3.1+2 #
- FIX: fix useStreamSubscription memoization issue.
0.3.1+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.3.1 #
- FEAT: additional provider capabilities; deprecate use_togglable_bool.
0.3.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: rebuild SubmitState and move to global unknown error handling mechanisms.
0.2.8 #
- FIX: separate library_lints.yaml.
- FEAT: adhere to lints.
- FEAT: adhere to lints.
0.2.7 #
- FEAT: adhere to lints.
0.2.6+3 #
- FIX: clear computation on debounce in useAutoComputedState.
0.2.6+2 #
- FIX: fix useAppLifecycleStateCallbacks.onResumed being called too often.
0.2.6+1 #
- FIX: fix initial value of StatelessTextControllerWrapper.
0.2.6 #
- FEAT: add keepInProgress parameter to ComputedStateWrappers.
0.2.5+2 #
- FIX: Fix memoization issue in StatelessTextControllerWrapper.
- CHORE: publish packages.
0.2.5+1 #
- FIX: export IList variants of ComputedStateWrapper's.
0.2.5 #
- FEAT: add IList variants of ComputedStateWrapper's.
0.2.4+5 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.4+4 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.4+3 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.4+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.4+1 #
- FIX: relax async package version constraint.
0.2.4 #
- FEAT: create SubmitState.combine.
0.2.3+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.3 #
- FEAT: add [Refreshable]ComputedStateWrapper.
0.2.2+1 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.2 #
- FEAT: add ComputedState.valueOrPreviousOrNull.
0.2.1+5 #
- FIX: fix memoization in useStreamSubscription.
0.2.1+4 #
- FIX: fix useAppLifecycleStateCallbacks.
- CHORE: publish packages.
- CHORE: publish packages.
0.2.1+3 #
- FIX: export flutter_hooks for import convenience.
0.2.1+2 #
- Update a dependency to the latest release.
0.2.1+1 #
- FIX: Add isMounted checks in ComputedState and SubmitState.
0.2.1 #
- FEAT: Add ComputedStateValue.mapValue.
0.2.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- BREAKING FEAT: Fix directory structure.
0.1.1+1 #
- FIX: improve import convenience.
- CHORE: publish packages.
- CHORE: publish packages.
0.1.1 #
- FEAT: update Reporter usages.
0.1.0 #
Note: This release has breaking changes.
- FIX: log unhandled exceptions in MutableComputedState.refresh.
- FIX: improve import convenience of SubmitStateExtensions.
- BREAKING FEAT: redesign ComputedState to use ComputedStateValue.
0.0.2 #
- FEAT: Initial commit.