urldat 1.1.0 urldat: ^1.1.0 copied to clipboard
Convenient URL builder
import 'package:urldat/urldat.dart';
/* NOTE: Run these examples with `--enable-asserts` flag */
void main() {
/* Join two paths with slash */
urldat('https://dart.dev', '/get-dart') == 'https://dart.dev/get-dart');
/* urldat helps you with leaving out double slashes */
urldat('https://dart.dev/', '/get-dart') == 'https://dart.dev/get-dart');
/* Use templates to dynamically generate paths */
assert(urldat('https://dart.dev/guides/', '/:section/:page', parameters: {
'section': 'language',
'page': 'language-tour',
}) ==
/* Unused parameters are automatically converted to query parameters */
assert(urldat('https://example.com', '/:section',
parameters: {'section': 'search', 'q': 'hello', 'l': 'en US'}) ==
/* Parameter values are always encoded, any value that implements
`toString` method will first call that method
assert(urldat('https://example.com', '/:time', parameters: {
'time': DateTime.utc(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0),
'id': 10,
}) ==
/* Any extra slashes will be removed */
assert(urldat('https://example.com/', '/hello//') ==
/* Any extra question marks will be removed */
assert(urldat('https://example.com', '/path?', parameters: {'q': 'hello'}) ==
/* Create a closure with preconfigured base path, perfect for re-use with
similar API roots
final urldatConfig = urldatFactory('https://api.example.com/v1/users');
parameters: {'id': 10, 'postId': 200}) ==
/* If you want more convenience, pass `scheme` like http/https
as an option.
assert(urldat('dart.dev', '/:section',
parameters: {'section': 'search'}, scheme: 'https') ==
/* You can also specify port for base path */
assert(urldat('dart.dev', '/:section',
parameters: {'section': 'search'}, scheme: 'https', port: 3000) ==
/* You can also specify fragment for path */
assert(urldat('dart.dev', '/:section',
parameters: {'section': 'search'},
scheme: 'https',
port: 3000,
fragment: 'hello') ==