upi_india 2.1.1 copy "upi_india: ^2.1.1" to clipboard
upi_india: ^2.1.1 copied to clipboard


A flutter plugin to do UPI transaction through different apps in Android.

UPI India (for Android only) #

This plugin is used to integrate UPI Options in your Android app.

If you can help me to extend this for ios too, feel free to do a Pull Request. Thanks in advance!

For a complete example of how to use this plugin, look at the Example tab or in the Github repositiry.

Success Status How example looks

Classes to know #

  1. UpiIndia - It is the main class containing two methods: getAllUpiApps(), startTransaction()

  2. UpiApp - It contains package name of some popular UPI apps. It is also the model class for the apps returned by getAllUpiApps() and now stores app icons too.

  3. UpiResponse - You will use this to get response from the requested app.

  4. UpiStatus - Use this to see if transaction was a success or not.

  5. UpiError - This class contains some common errors which you may encounter.

How to start transaction? #

Step 1: #

Import the Package:

import 'package:upi_india/upi_india.dart';

Step 2: #

Create UpiIndia object.

UpiIndia _upiIndia = UpiIndia();

Step 3: #

Get list of all apps in the device which can handle UPI Intent, as shown.

List<UpiIndiaApp> apps;

void initState() {
  _upiIndia.getAllUpiApps().then((value) {
    setState(() {
      apps = value;


You can use some of the predefined apps directly, like:

String app = UpiApp.GooglePay;

and assign it to the app parameter in Step 4

Step 4: #

Create a method which will start the transaction on being called, as shown.

Future<UpiResponse> initiateTransaction(String app) async {
  return _upiIndia.startTransaction(
    app: apps[0].app, //  I took only the first app from List<UpiIndiaApp> app.
    receiverUpiId: 'tester@test', // Make Sure to change this UPI Id
    receiverName: 'Tester',
    transactionRefId: 'TestingId',
    transactionNote: 'Not actual. Just an example.',
    amount: 1.00,

Step 5: #

Call this method on any button click or through FutureBuilder and then you will get the Response!

How to handle Response? #

Step 1: #

After getting UpiResponse, check if its error property is null or not. If it is not null, handle it as shown:

if (_upiResponse.error != null) {
switch (_upiResponse.error) {
  case UpiError.APP_NOT_INSTALLED:
    print("Requested app not installed on device");
    print("Requested app cannot handle the transaction");
  case UpiError.NULL_RESPONSE:
    print("requested app didn't returned any response");
  case UpiError.USER_CANCELLED:
    print("You cancelled the transaction");

Step 2: #

If _upiResponse.error is null, you can then get these parameters from it:

  • Transaction ID
  • Response Code
  • Approval Reference Number
  • Transaction Reference ID
  • Status

Step 3: #

Check the Status property. It has following values:

  • UpiStatus.SUCCESS
  • UpiStatus.SUBMITTED
  • UpiStatus.FAILURE

If Status is SUCCESS, Congratulations! You have successfully used this plugin.

Predefined apps in this plugin are:

  • PayTM
  • Google Pay
  • BHIM
  • PhonePe
  • Amazon Pay
  • Truecaller
  • My Airtel
  • Mobikwik
  • FreeCharge
  • SBIPay
  • IMobileICICI

For a complete example of how to use this plugin, look at the Example tab or in the Github repositiry.

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A flutter plugin to do UPI transaction through different apps in Android.

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