upi_india 2.0.0 copy "upi_india: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
upi_india: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard


A flutter plugin to do UPI transaction through different apps in Android.

UPI India (for Android only) #

This plugin is used to integrate UPI Options in your Android app.

If you can help me to extend this for ios too, feel free to do a Pull Request. Thanks in advance!

Breaking Change #

If you have been using the previous version (before 2.0.0), make sure to go through this README again. Whole way of usage has been changed. For details check Changelog.

It may look complex at first but don't worry, it's really easy to use!

For a complete example of how to use this plugin, look at the Example tab or in the Github repositiry.

Classes to know #

  1. UpiIndia - It is the main class containing two methods: ..* getAllUpiApps() ..* startTransaction()

  2. UpiIndiaApp - It contains package name of some popular UPI apps. It is also the model class for the apps returned by getAllUpiApps() and now stores app icons too.

  3. UpiIndiaResponse - You will use this to get response from the requested app.

  4. UpiIndiaResponseStatus - Use this to see if transaction was a success or not.

  5. UpiIndiaResponseError - This class contains some common errors which you may encounter.

How to start transaction? #

Step 1: #

Import the Package:

import 'package:upi_india/upi_india.dart';

Step 2: #

Create UpiIndia object.

UpiIndia _upiIndia = UpiIndia();

Step 3: #

Get list of all apps in the device which can handle UPI Intent, as shown.

List<UpiIndiaApp> apps;

void initState() {
  _upiIndia.getAllUpiApps().then((value) {
    setState(() {
      apps = value;


You can use some of the predefined apps directly, like:

String app = UpiIndiaApp.GooglePay;

and assign it to the app parameter in Step 4

Step 4: #

Create a method which will start the transaction on being called, as shown.

Future<UpiIndiaResponse> initiateTransaction(String app) async {
  return _upiIndia.startTransaction(
    app: apps[0].app, //  I took only the first app from List<UpiIndiaApp> app.
    receiverUpiId: 'tester@test',
    receiverName: 'Tester',
    transactionRefId: 'TestingId',
    transactionNote: 'Not actual. Just an example.',
    amount: 1.00,

Step 5: #

Call this method on any button click or through FutureBuilder and then you will get the Response!

How to handle Response? #

Step 1: #

After getting UpiIndiaResponse, check if its error property is null or not. If it is not null, handle it as shown:

if (_upiResponse.error != null) {
switch (_upiResponse.error) {
  case UpiIndiaResponseError.APP_NOT_INSTALLED:
    print("Requested app not installed on device");
  case UpiIndiaResponseError.INVALID_PARAMETERS:
    print("Requested app cannot handle the transaction");
  case UpiIndiaResponseError.NULL_RESPONSE:
    print("requested app didn't returned any response");
  case UpiIndiaResponseError.USER_CANCELLED:
    print("You cancelled the transaction");

Step 2: #

If _upiResponse.error is null, you can then get these parameters from it:

  • Transaction ID
  • Response Code
  • Approval Reference Number
  • Transaction Reference ID
  • Status

Step 3: #

Check the Status property. It has following values:


If Status is SUCCESS, Congratulations! You have successfully used this plugin.

Predefined apps in this plugin are:

  • PayTM
  • Google Pay
  • BHIM
  • PhonePe
  • Amazon Pay
  • Truecaller
  • My Airtel
  • Mobikwik
  • FreeCharge
  • SBIPay
  • IMobileICICI

For a complete example of how to use this plugin, look at the Example tab or in the Github repositiry.

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A flutter plugin to do UPI transaction through different apps in Android.

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