up_menus 1.0.1
up_menus: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Api for the Univesity of Porto establisments menus
A Dart package to interact with the University of Porto's canteens menus API. This package is a wrapper around the UPMenus API.
Features #
- Get the list of establishments
- Get the menu for a specific day, week, period and establishment
- Get permanent menus of an establishment
Usage #
final up_menus = UPMenusApi();
final establishments = await up_menus.establishments.list();
final dayMenus = await up_menus.dayMenus.get(feup_canteen.id, Period.lunch);
final dayMenus = await up_menus.dayMenus.get(feup_canteen.id, Period.lunch, weekNumber: 29, year: 2024);
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