unscripted 0.1.3 copy "unscripted: ^0.1.3" to clipboard
unscripted: ^0.1.3 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

Write command-line scripts as ordinary methods and classes.

unscripted #

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Unscripted is a pub package for dart which enables you to sketch command-line scripts as ordinary programming constructs, such as methods and classes, annotated with command-line specific metadata as necessary.

Command-line parameters, just like dart method parameters, come in two varieties, named and positional. This makes for a nice mapping between command-line scripts and dart methods. Unscripted uses reflection to transform between the two. It also applies the concept of dependency injection to inject command-line arguments into dart methods. This removes the need for boilerplate logic around command-line arguments to define, parse, validate and assign them to local variables. This allows making command-line interface changes solely via dart refactoring tools or even simple one-liners, and makes for less untested code.

The quickest way to get started is to copy one of the examples below (also available here) and edit as necessary.

More detailed usage is available in the API docs.


Let's say we want to write a simple script to output a greeting to one or more people with a few options sprinkled in to customize the output to make it interesting. The status quo dart script for this is too long to embed here, but might look something like this. With unscripted, we can get rid a lot of boilerplate, retaining only the greet method, annotating it with a bit of command-line metadata:

import 'package:unscripted/unscripted.dart';

main(arguments) => sketch(greet).execute(arguments);

// Optional command-line metadata:
@Command(help: 'Outputs a greeting')
@ArgExample('--salutation Welcome --exclaim Bob', help: 'enthusiastic')
    @Rest(help: "Name(s) to greet")
    List<String> who, // A rest parameter, must be last positional.
    {String salutation : 'Hello', // An option, use `@Option(...)` for metadata.
     bool exclaim : false}) { // A flag, use `@Flag(...)` for metadata.

  print('$salutation ${who.join(' ')}${exclaim ? '!' : ''}');


We can call this script as follows:

$ dart greet.dart Bob
Hello Bob
$ dart greet.dart --salutation Welcome --exclaim Bob
Welcome Bob!

###Automatic --help

Unscripted also automatically defines and handles a --help/-h option, allowing for:

$ dart greet.dart --help
Outputs a greeting


dart greet.dart [options] <WHO>


-h, --help            Print this usage information.
    --salutation      (defaults to "Hello")


dart greet.dart --salutation Welcome --exclaim Bob # enthusiastic


Sub-commands are also supported. In this case the script is defined as a class, whose instance methods can be annotated as sub-commands. Assume we have the following 'server.dart':

import 'package:unscripted/unscripted.dart';

main(arguments) => sketch(Server).execute(arguments);

@Command(help: 'Manages a server')
class Server {

  final String configPath;

  Server({this.configPath: 'config.xml'});

  @SubCommand(help: 'Start the server')
  start({bool clean}) {
Starting the server.
Config path: $configPath''');

  @SubCommand(help: 'Stop the server')
  stop() {
    print('Stopping the server.');


We can call this script as follows:

$ dart server.dart start --config-path my-config.xml --clean
Starting the server.
Config path: my-config.xml

A 'help' sub-command is also added, which can be used as a synonym for '--help', which outputs all the basic help info plus a list of available commands:

$ dart server.dart help
Available commands:


Use "dart server.dart help [command]" for more information about a command.

and as indicated there, sub-command help is also available:

$ dart server.dart help stop
Stop the server


dart server.dart stop [options]


-h, --help    Print this usage information.
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unverified uploader

Write command-line scripts as ordinary methods and classes.

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unknown (license)


args, collection, path, sequence_zip


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