unofficial_twitch_open_api 0.0.4 unofficial_twitch_open_api: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard
Wrapper for the newest Twitch API. It returns informations about channels, media, search and game
📦 unofficial_twitch_open_api #
This package allows to retrieve all the data by the newest Twitch APIs.
Getting started #
To make the APIs works, you need to configure your application on Twitch Dev Console. If you don't how to do, please follow the steps here .
To access to the Twitch's data, was implemented the class TwitchManagerOpenApi. This utility create an instance of the available subclass of BaseTwitchOpenApi.
/// You can create the instance of [TwitchManagerOpenApi] via provider or get_it
/// An example below:
List<SingleChildWidget> _initProvider() {
String clientId = 'your_secret_client_id';
return [
create: (ctx) =>
clientId: clientId,
/// Then, you can use the instance created previously to retrieve the subclass needed
T getInstance<T extends BaseTwitchOpenApi>() {
final manager = Provider.of<TwitchManagerOpenApi>();
return manager.of<T>(bearerToken: 'your_secret_token');
/// Finally, use the instance. An example below:
final channelInfo = getInstance<TwitchChannelInformation>(
bearerToken: 'your_secret_token',
).getChannelInformation(broadcasterId: broadcasterId);