unlimited 0.2.0 copy "unlimited: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
unlimited: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard

Cards database and game rules for the Star Wars Unlimited CCG.


This is an early release of the unlimited package, and is likely to rapidly change. We use semantic versioning, which in sort means that the version number is incremented to represent breaking/non-breaking changes to the API.

ℹ️ NOTE: While the package is in development, the version number is 0.J.I, where J is incremented when there is a breaking change to the API, and I is incremented when there is a non-breaking change to the API. If bug fixes are needed, an additional +X is appended to the version number.

0.2.0 #

cards.dart #

  • Added CardSetInventory, which wraps a CardSet and provides a list (well, really a Set) of all the cards in the set (or at least as many that have been previewed so far).

  • Changed sparkOfRebellion to be a CardSetInventory instead of a Set<Card> (which is still available as the .cards property).

schema.dart #

  • Removed CardType, it was redundant with the Card class and subclasses.

state.dart #

Added an additional library, pacakge:unlimited/state.dart, which contains representations of game state or card collections. For example, creating a deck:

import 'package:unlimited/state.dart';

void createDeck(BaseCard base, UnitCard leader, List<Card> cards) {
  final deck = Deck(
    base: base
    leader: leader
    cards: [

0.0.1+1 #

No changes, update is merely for pub.dev.

0.0.1 #

Initial release. Woohoo!

Two libraries are available:

  • package:unlimited/schema.dart defines the schema for the cards in the game.

    The game's card model is defined as a set of Dart classes, such as:

    // SOR 010.
      cardSet: CardSet.sparkOfRebellion,
      orderInSet: 10,
      name: 'DarthVader',
      title: 'Dark Lord of the Sith',
      aspects: const {Aspect.aggression, Aspect.villainy},
      cost: 7,
      traits: const {Trait.force, Trait.imperial, Trait.sith},
      power: 5,
      hp: 8,

    Some key classes are:

    • Card; either a BaseCard, EventCard, UnitCard, or UpgradeCard.
    • CardSet, which defines each set of cards in the game.
    • Other classes such as Aspect, Trait, and more.
  • package:unlimited/cards.dart contains an inlined copy of the cards database.

    While applications are likely to want to fetch/update the cards database from an external datasource (i.e. as JSON or similar), this library is provided as a convenience, as well to validate that (a) the schema is correct and (b) the schema contains all the information needed to encapsulate the cards database.

    // It's recommended to import the library with a prefix.
    import 'package:unlimited/cards.dart' as cards;
    import 'package:unlimited/schema.dart';
    void main() {
      final vader = cards.sparkOfRebellion.firstWhere(
        (card) => card.name == 'Darth Vader',
      // Pattern match to get the card's type.
      switch (vader) {
        case final BaseCard card:
          print('Base:  ${card.name}: ${card.location}');
        case final UnitCard card:
          print('Unit:    ${card.name}: ${card.title ?? '<No title>'}');
        case final EventCard card:
          print('Event: ${card.name}');
        case final UpgradeCard card:
          print('Upgrade: ${card.name}');

0.0.0 #

Initial empty package as a placeholder.

pub points


verified publisherlurey.dev

Cards database and game rules for the Star Wars Unlimited CCG.

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BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on unlimited