unlimited 0.0.1 copy "unlimited: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
unlimited: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard


Cards database and game rules for the Star Wars Unlimited CCG.

package:unlimited #

Cards database and game rules for the Star Wars: Unlimited CCG.

  • package:unlimited/schema.dart defines the schema for the cards in the game.

    The game's card model is defined as a set of Dart classes, such as:

    // SOR 010.
      cardSet: CardSet.sparkOfRebellion,
      orderInSet: 10,
      name: 'DarthVader',
      title: 'Dark Lord of the Sith',
      aspects: const {Aspect.aggression, Aspect.villainy},
      cost: 7,
      traits: const {Trait.force, Trait.imperial, Trait.sith},
      power: 5,
      hp: 8,

    Some key classes are:

    • Card; either a BaseCard, EventCard, UnitCard, or UpgradeCard.
    • CardSet, which defines each set of cards in the game.
    • Other classes such as Aspect, Trait, and more.
  • package:unlimited/cards.dart contains an inlined copy of the cards database.

    While applications are likely to want to fetch/update the cards database from an external datasource (i.e. as JSON or similar), this library is provided as a convenience, as well to validate that (a) the schema is correct and (b) the schema contains all the information needed to encapsulate the cards database.

    // It's recommended to import the library with a prefix.
    import 'package:unlimited/cards.dart' as cards;
    import 'package:unlimited/schema.dart';
    void main() {
      final vader = cards.sparkOfRebellion.firstWhere(
        (card) => card.name == 'Darth Vader',
      // Pattern match to get the card's type.
      switch (vader) {
        case final BaseCard card:
          print('Base:  ${card.name}: ${card.location}');
        case final UnitCard card:
          print('Unit:    ${card.name}: ${card.title ?? '<No title>'}');
        case final EventCard card:
          print('Event: ${card.name}');
        case final UpgradeCard card:
          print('Upgrade: ${card.name}');
pub points


verified publisherlurey.dev

Cards database and game rules for the Star Wars Unlimited CCG.

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collection, meta


Packages that depend on unlimited