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Customize your tree UI with NO LIMITS! By mainly focusing on data structure, you can customize the tree UI with various styles.

unit_tree_flutter #

Customize your tree UI with no limit! By mainly focusing on data structure, you can customize the tree UI with various styles.

Table of contents #

Demonstration #

By default, you can apply 8 basic variants from this package: Stack/Expanded widgets X Multiple-choice/Single-choice X Eager-loading/Lazy-loading.

1. Stack widgets #

  • 1.1. MStackWidget: Multiple choice, eager loading.
  • 1.2. MLazyStackWidget: Multiple choice, lazy loading.
  • 1.3. SStackWidget: Single choice, eager loading.
  • 1.4. SLazyStackWidget: Single choice, lazy loading.

2. Expanded widgets #

  • 2.1. MExpandedWidget: Multiple choice, eager loading.
  • 2.2. MLazyExpandedWidget: Multiple choice, lazy loading.
  • 2.3. SExpandedWidget: Single choice, eager loading.
  • 2.4. SLazyExpandedWidget: Single choice, lazy loading.

Quick Start #

1. Introduce tree data structure #

Tree data structure & algorithms is taken from this package: unit_tree_data_structure.

The property isUnavailable is defined by default as: If a branch doesn't contains any leaf, it is unavailable (or un-chosenable).

2. With eager loading style #

Use TreeType.fromJson() to parse data from Map to TreeType. REMEMBER to call updateAllUnavailableNodes(tree) before return:

TreeType<EasyNodeType> sampleData() {
  Map<String, dynamic> data = {
    "data": {
      "id": 0,
      "title": "Root: Level 0",
    "children": [
        "data": {
          "id": 11,
          "title": "(Inner) Ex title: Level 1.1",
        "children": [
            "data": {
              "id": 21,
              "title": "(Inner) Ex title: Level 2.1",
            "children": [
                "data": {
                  "id": 31,
                  "title": "(Leaf) Ex title: Level 3.1",
                  "isInner": false,
                "data": {
                  "id": 32,
                  "title": "(Leaf) Ex title: Level 3.2",
                  "isInner": false,
                "data": {
                  "id": 33,
                  "title": "(Leaf) Ex title: Level 3.3",
                  "isInner": false,
            "data": {
              "id": 22,
              "title": "(Inner) Ex title: Level 2.2",
            "children": [
                "data": {
                  "id": 34,
                  "title": "(Leaf) Ex title: Level 3.4",
                  "isInner": false,
            "data": {
              "id": 23,
              "title": "(Inner) Ex title: Level 2.3",
        "data": {
          "id": 12,
          "title": "(Inner) Ex title: Level 1.2",

  var tree = TreeType.fromJson<EasyNodeType>(
    json: data,
    parent: null,
    implFromJson: EasyNodeType.fromJson,

  // it is VERY important to call this function

  return tree;

Then, simply put that data into your widgets:

initData = sampleData();

return MExpandedWidget(initData); // or
return SExpandedWidget(initData)`. // or
return MStackWidget([initData]); // or
return SStackWidget([initData]);

3. With lazy loading style #

Lazy loading widgets receive a Future function to get the children nodes every click:

Future<List<TreeType<T>>> Function(TreeType<T> parent) fGetChildrenFunc;

You can read the example source code here: MLazyExpandedScreen.

root = createRoot();

Future<List<TreeType<EasyNodeType>>> fGetChildrenFunc(
    TreeType<EasyNodeType> parent) async {
  List<TreeType<EasyNodeType>> newChildren;
  setState(() => isLoading = true);
  newChildren = implementationXYZ(parent);

  await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 1));
  setState(() => isLoading = false);
  return newChildren;

return MLazyExpandedWidget(
  fGetChildrenFunc: fGetChildrenFunc,
); // or

return SLazyExpandedWidget(
  fGetChildrenFunc: fGetChildrenFunc,
); // or

return MLazyStackWidget
  fGetChildrenFunc: fGetChildrenFunc,
); // or

return SLazyStackWidget(
  fGetChildrenFunc: fGetChildrenFunc,

Ask: I want to customize the UI? #

You can use the UIProperties to customize several parts of UI.

Ask: I want to customize the UI even MOREEEE!! #

Like I said from the beginning, the strength of this package is it mainly focuses on tree data structure & algorithms. Therefore, as long as you keep the current logic & use functions correctly, you can make any UI that you want!

Just Copy-Paste the widget most similar to your desired UI. Don't hesitate to do it! Source code is very short & easy to read. If you face any problem, you can create an issue in GitHub.



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Customize your tree UI with NO LIMITS! By mainly focusing on data structure, you can customize the tree UI with various styles.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


flutter, unit_tree_data_structure


Packages that depend on unit_tree_flutter