uni_payments 0.0.5 uni_payments: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
Uni Payments integrates various payment gateways for fast and easy transactions.
Uni Payments offers seamless integration for multiple payment gateways including Razorpay, Flutterwave, Google Pay, Paytm, Paystack, and PayPal ensuring a fast, easy and secure transaction process.
Getting Started #
Add this to your pubspec.yaml
dependencies: uni_payments: <latest_version>
Get the package from Pub:
flutter pub get
Import it in your file
import 'package:uni_payments/uni_payments.dart';
Usage #
- Check out the complete example with integration and declarations uni_payments_example
Razorpay #
await UniPayments.razorPayPayment(
razorpayKey: "add_razopay_key",
contactNumber: "1234567890",
emailId: "add_email_id",
amount: 2500,
userName: "uni_payments",
colorCode: '#fcba03',
description: 'Add the description for the order or payment.',
successListener: (UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for success payment.
bool isSuccessPayment = uniPaymentResponse.paymentStatus;
if (isSuccessPayment) {
failureListener: (UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for failure or error in payment.
bool isFailedPayment = uniPaymentResponse.paymentStatus;
if (isFailedPayment) {
Paystack #
UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse = await UniPayments.payStackPayment(
context: context,
emailId: "test@gmail.com",
payStackKey: 'enter_paystack_key',
amount: 2500,
uniqueRefrenceID: 'enter_unique_transaction_key',
callbackUrl: 'callback_url_for_transaction_response',
Paytm #
await UniPayments.paytmPayment(
/// Login to "dashboard.paytm.com" with your Paytm account details & Get Merchant Id.
paytmMerchantId: "paytm_merchant_id",
orderId: "order_id",
isStaging: true,
uniqueTransactionToken: "unique_id_database_refrences",
amount: 2500,
successListener: (UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for success payment.
bool isSuccessPayment = uniPaymentResponse.paymentStatus;
if (isSuccessPayment) {
failureListener: (UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for failure or error in payment.
bool isFailedPayment = uniPaymentResponse.paymentStatus;
if (isFailedPayment) {
Flutterwave #
await UniPayments.flutterWavePayment(
buildContext: context,
publicKey: 'add_public_ke',
encryptionKey: 'add_encryption_key',
currencyCode: 'NGN',
amount: '2500',
receiptantName: 'Test User',
emailId: 'test@gmail.com',
phoneNumber: '1234567890',
isDebugMode: true,
redirectURL: 'add-redirect-url-here',
transactionRef: 'add-random-string-everytime-transaction-refrence',
successListener: (UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for success payment.
bool isSuccessPayment = uniPaymentResponse.paymentStatus;
if (isSuccessPayment) {
failureListener: (UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for failure or error in payment.
bool isFailedPayment = uniPaymentResponse.paymentStatus;
if (isFailedPayment) {
Googlepay #
paymentConfigurationAsset: 'ENTER_ASSET_PATH',
height: 150,
width: 150,
uniPaymentItemStatus: UniPaymentItemStatus.pending,
uniPaymentItemTypes: UniPaymentItemTypes.item,
payableAmount: "ENTER_AMOUNT_HERE",
paymentLabel: "ENTER_LABLE_PAYMENT",
failureListener: (UniPaymentResponse paymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for failure or error in payment. ///
successListener: (UniPaymentResponse paymentResponse) {
/// here manage code for failure or error in payment. ///
onPressed: () {
print("Universal Google Pay Button Pressed");
Paypal Braintree #
UniPaymentResponse uniPaymentResponse =
await UniPayments.payPalBraintreePayment(
tokenizationKey: "enter_key_braintree_paypal",
amount: 5200,
emailId: 'test@gmail.com',
name: 'uni payments',
countryCode: 'US',
currencyCode: 'USD');
Found this package useful? #
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