ummobile_sdk 0.0.1-beta3 copy "ummobile_sdk: ^0.0.1-beta3" to clipboard
ummobile_sdk: ^0.0.1-beta3 copied to clipboard


The SDK package used in the UMMobile App to connect with the server.


Initialization #

To initialize a new instance a token is needed.

UMMobileSDK sdk = UMMobileSDK(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');

Auth #

To get a token you can use the static function UMMobileSDK.auth() that returns the API section for the authentication.

// Get token
Token token = await UMMobileSDK
  .getToken(username: 1234567, password: 'YOUR_PASSWORD');

// Initialize using the access token
UMMobileSDK sdk = UMMobileSDK(token: token.accessToken);

Usage #

The UMMobileSDK contains an attribute for each API section.

Individual vs Main class #

Each section can be found in an attribute of the main class, but can also be used individually.

// Individual class
UMMobileUser user = UMMobileUser(token: 'YOUT_TOKEN');
await user.getInformation();

// Main class
UMMobileSDK sdk = UMMobileSDK(token: 'YOUR_TOKEN');
await sdk.user.getInformation();

Sections #

User #

The user information can be found in the user attribute on the UMMobileSDK class or using the UMMobileUser class.


Returns the information of the user.

User user = await sdk.user.getInformation();


Returns the profile picture of the user as a base64 string.

String base64Image = await sdk.user.getProfilePicture();

Catalogue #

The catalogue information can be found in the catalogue attribute on the UMMobileSDK class or using the UMMobileCatalogue class.


Returns the list of the user rules.

List<Rule> rules = await sdk.catalogue.getRules();


Returns a list of countries.

List<Country> countries = await sdk.catalogue.getCountries();

Academic #

The academic information can be found in the academic attribute on the UMMobileSDK class or using the UMMobileAcademic class.

WARNING: Some information may vary in certain periods such as vacations because if the student works at the university they will put a different plan while he works to give him the basic rights such as residence or student insurance. To see the current plan see the getPlan() function.


Returns the list of the user archives.

List<Archive> archives = await sdk.academic.getArchives();


Returns a class that contains the semesters, average & the planId.

AllSemesters all = await sdk.academic.getAllSemesters();

print(all.semesters); // Example: [Instance of Semester, Instance of Semester]
print(all.average); // Example: 98.37


Returns the current semester.

Semester semester = await sdk.academic.getCurrentSemester();

print(semester.subjects); // List of current subjects
print(; // Example: "PRIMER SEMESTRE"


Returns the current plan.

String planId = await sdk.academic.getPlan();


Returns the global average for the current plan (getPlan()).

double average = await sdk.academic.getGlobalAverage();

Financial #

The financial information can be found in the financial attribute on the UMMobileSDK class or using the UMMobileFinancial class.


Returns the list of the user balances.

// Without movements
List<Balance> balances = await;
print(balances.first.movements); // null

// With current year movements.
List<Balance> balances = await IncludeMovements.OnlyCurrent);
print(balances.first.movements!.current); // [Instance of Movement, Instance of Movement, ...]
print(balances.first.movements!.lastYear); // null

// With current and last year movements.
List<Balance> balances = await IncludeMovements.CurrentAndLastYear);
print(balances.first.movements!.current); // [Instance of Movement, Instance of Movement, ...]
print(balances.first.movements!.lastYear); // [Instance of Movement, Instance of Movement, ...]

getMovements(String balance)

Returns a Movements class with the balance movements. This class contains the current year movements and also can contains (but optional) the lastYear movements.

// Only current year movements
Movements movements = await'BALANCE_ID');
print(movements.current); // [Instance of Movement, Instance of Movement, ...]
print(movements.lastYear); // null

// Current and last year movements
Movements movements = await'BALANCE_ID', includeLastYear: true);
print(movements.current); // [Instance of Movement, Instance of Movement, ...]
print(movements.lastYear); // [Instance of Movement, Instance of Movement, ...]

Notifications #

The notifications information can be found in the notifications attribute on the UMMobileSDK class or using the UMMobileNotifications class.

Can receive default values for optional named arguments for some functions like getAll() or getOne():

UMMobileNotifications notificationsSection = UMMobileNotifications(
  // required
  auth: 'TOKEN',
  // Set "es" as default argument value for all functions that don't pass `languageCode`.
  languageCode: 'es',
  // Set false as default argument value for all functions that don't pass `ignoreDeleted`.
  ignoreDeleted: false,


Returns the list of the notifications sent to the user.

// Will use english and will ignore deleted nofitications by default.
List<Notification> defaultValues =
          await sdk.notifications.getAll();

print(defaultValues.first.heading); // Hi
print(defaultValues.any((notification) => notification.isDeleted)); // false

// With english language.
List<Notification> english =
          await sdk.notifications.getAll(languageCode: 'en');

print(english.first.heading); // Hi

// Change to "es" to use Spanish by default.
List<Notification> spanish =
          await sdk.notifications.getAll(languageCode: 'es');

print(spanish.first.heading); // Hola

// Or get differente of default
print(spanish.first.headingTr('en')); // Hi
print(spanish.first.headingTr('es')); // Hola

// To include deleted notifications set `ignoreDeleted` to false
List<Notification> withDeletedNotifications =
          await sdk.notifications.getAll(ignoreDeleted: false);

print(withDeletedNotifications.any((notification) => notification.isDeleted)); // true if user had deleted at least one notification.

getOne(String notificationId)

Returns a single notification. The usage of this function is similar to getAll() but with one positional argument (notificationId).

Notification notification =
          await sdk.notifications.getOne('NOTIFICATION_ID');

// Also can receive a languageCode or if should ignoreDeleted notifications.
Notification notification =
      await sdk.notifications.getOne(
          languageCode: 'es', // Use Spanish
          ignoreDelete: false, // Allow search for a deleted notification.

markAsSeen(String notificationId)

Mark a notification as seen.

Notification notification =
          await sdk.notifications.getOne('NOTIFICATION_ID');

print(notification.isSeen); // false

Notification seenNotification =
          await sdk.notifications.markAsSeen(;

print(seenNotification.isSeen); // true

delete(String notificationId)

Delete a notification.

Notification notification =
          await sdk.notifications.getOne('NOTIFICATION_ID');

print(notification.isDeleted); // false

Notification deletedNotification =
          await sdk.notifications.delete(;

print(deletedNotification.isDeleted); // true


Send a new user event for a notification.

Some events are "clicked" that is equivalent to read or see the notification, and "received" that means that the notification was received by the user cellphone.

// Send a received event.
await sdk.notifications.sendAnalitycs(
  notificationId: 'NOTIFICATION_ID',
  event: NotificationEvents.Received,

// Send a clicked event.
await sdk.notifications.sendAnalitycs(
  notificationId: 'NOTIFICATION_ID',
  event: NotificationEvents.Clicked,

pub points


unverified uploader

The SDK package used in the UMMobile App to connect with the server.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, ummobile_custom_http


Packages that depend on ummobile_sdk