ummobile_custom_http 0.0.3-beta1 copy "ummobile_custom_http: ^0.0.3-beta1" to clipboard
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The custom HTTP client with GetConnect used in the UMMobile App to make the request.

Custom HTTP client for the UMMobile app

Getting Started #

Initialization #

A base URL and a static authorization can be defined in the initialization.

// Simple initalization
final http = UMMobileCustomHttp(baseUrl: '');

// Initialiation with authentication
final http = UMMobileCustomHttp(
  baseUrl: '',
  auth: Auth(
    token: () => 'YOUR_TOKEN',
    tokenType: 'Bearer',
    headername: 'Authorization',

HTTP Calls #

To make a call you need to use the function that start with custom.

final http = UMMobileCustomHttp(baseUrl: '');\

await http.customGet(path: '/posts/1');
await http.customPost(path: '/posts/1', body: {});
await http.customDelete(path: '/posts/1');

You can also pass a mapper function to format the response body and return a specific type.

final http = UMMobileCustomHttp(baseUrl: '');

// Return a Post instance
await http.customGet<Post>(
  path: '/posts/1',
  mapper: (json) => Post(
    userId: json['userId'],
    id: json['id'],
    title: json['title'],
    body: json['body'],

Exceptions #

Throws an HttpCallException if an error occurs. The HttpCallException contains a type attribute that can be as shown in the list below:

  • ClientError: when the status code is between 300 and 499.
  • ServerError: when the status code is between 500 and 599.
  • ConnectionError: when a connection error occurs and cannot be specified.
  • ServerDown: when cannot connect to the backend.
  • ClientOffline: when cannot connect to
  • ExpiredToken: when access token is expired & need to be refresh.
  • Other: when any other Exception occurs.

You can use the Exception like:

final http = UMMobileCustomHttp(baseUrl: '');
try {
  await http.customGet(path: '/posts/1');
} on HttpCallException catch(e) {
  if(e.type === HttpException.ClientOffline) {
    // display that the client have no connection


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The custom HTTP client with GetConnect used in the UMMobile App to make the request.

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flutter, get, jwt_decode


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