ui_state_persist 0.0.1 copy "ui_state_persist: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
ui_state_persist: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Persists the UI state after app is killed.

ui_state_persist #

When mobile devices are out of memory, they tell apps to save their state, then kill them. This means Flutter apps can sometimes (or often, for low-memory devices) go back to the beginning when multi-tasking. Flutter doesn't expose the Android or iOS "native" ways of restoring state (see issue here). This library tries to provide a Dart-only solution, with some limitations.

How to use this library #

Load the state #

UIState is a singleton class. This means you can access it anywhere with UIState(). You need to load it first:

void  main() async {
    await  UIState().load();

If anyone can think of a better way to access/setup this class that is more testing-friendly or less "global", please open an issue/let me know!

Routing #

This is a bit awkward. It should be better once named routes can be used with parameters. You must set up routing like this:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
        title: 'ui_state_persist example',
        //make sure to set the initialRoute
        initialRoute: UIState().route,
        //note there is no "home" or anything else for the routes, just onGenerateRoute
        onGenerateRoute: (routeSettings) {
            //Route name is set here but not cleared, because of arguments.
            //This means is won't get cleared when restoring to a deeply-nested
            //route and pressing/swiping 'back'
            UIState().route = routeSettings.name;
            switch (routeSettings.name) {
            case "/":
                return MaterialPageRoute(
                	builder: (context) => MyHomePage(title: 'ui_state_persist example')
            case "/view":
                return MaterialPageRoute(
                	builder: (context) => ViewPage(Entry.fromJson(UIState().routeArgument))

Then when you want to go to a different page:

  onPressed: ()  {
    //clear first
    // then set the routeArgument (null if not needed)
    UIState().routeArgument = Entry(
      index: i + _counter,
      color: HSVColor.fromAHSV(1.0, i/100 * 360, 1.0, 1.0).toColor(),
    //then navigate using pushNamed

Listenables #

Controllers, animations, FocusNodes, etc. are all listenables in flutter. Right now only ScrollController, TextEditingController and ValueNotifier are supported. It's easy to add more, which I will be doing, or pull requests are welcome.

To use a listenable, follow this example in your build method:

	controller: UIState().useListenable<TextEditingController>("textedit1"),
	decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: "Comments"),

Tip: you can use ValueNotifier to wrap a variable and it will be auto-magically persisted.

Streams #

I plan on adding a useStream(String key, Stream stream) function to use with BLoCs easily.

Manually persisting variables #

Use getRaw<T>(String key) to manually get a variable, but it won't be updated unless you call setRaw(String key, dynamic value).

Using with Custom Classes #

This library uses jsonEncode and jsonDecode. This means you can use it with your own models/classes - just implement toJson() and fromJson(). Note that loading a custom class will return a Map<String, dynamic>, so you have to pass it to your toJson().


class Entry {
  final int index;
  final Color color;
  Entry({this.index, this.color});
  Entry.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) :
    index = json["index"],
    color = Color(json["color"]);
  Map<String, dynamic> toJson() => {
    "index": index,
    "color": color.value,

Using in a MaterialPageRoute:

return MaterialPageRoute(
  builder: (context) => ViewPage(Entry.fromJson(UIState().routeArgument))

Setting the routeArgument. Note the use of toJson()

UIState().routeArgument = Entry(
  index: i + _counter,
  color: HSVColor.fromAHSV(1.0, i/100 * 360, 1.0, 1.0).toColor(),

Limitations #

  • This is really just an experiment. Use at your own risk
  • It's a Very Bad Idea to use this to manage your App State, since it only does one page at a time.
  • Only the routeArgument to the top route is preserved, and the top route's UI State. I will probably fix this first
  • No tests yet
pub points


unverified uploader

Persists the UI state after app is killed.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


BSD-2-Clause (LICENSE)


flutter, path, path_provider


Packages that depend on ui_state_persist