typesql_parser 0.0.1
typesql_parser: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
SQL parser, AST and visitors
typesql_parser #
SQL parser, AST and visitors.
Uses https://github.com/juancastillo0/wasm_run for executing WASM and https://github.com/sqlparser-rs/sqlparser-rs for the underlying implementation.
Example #
You can find a deployed example in https://juancastillo0.github.io/wasm_run/ and the main file implementation in the Github repository.
Build Wasm Component from Rust #
cd typesql_parser_wasm
cargo wasi build --release
cp target/wasm32-wasi/release/typesql_parser_wasm.wasm ../lib/assets/
copied to clipboard
Generate Wit Dart bindings #
dart run wasm_wit_component:generate typesql_parser_wasm/wit/typesql-parser.wit lib/src/typesql_parser_wit.gen.dart
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