typesafe_supabase 0.0.1-dev.19 copy "typesafe_supabase: ^0.0.1-dev.19" to clipboard
typesafe_supabase: ^0.0.1-dev.19 copied to clipboard

A dart package that enables type-safe queries to a Supabase database.

Type-safe supabase for dart #

🚨 This is NOT an official supabase package and NOT developed by the supabase team!

  • ✅ ⚡️ Type-safe queries
  • ✅ ⚡️ Foolproof filters
  • ✅ ⚡️ Foolproof modifiers
  • ✅ ⚡️ Minimal setup
  • ✅ ⚡️ Minimal code generation

🎮 Basic Usage #

🚧 WIP! This package is still under development. Use it with caution and file any potential issues you see.

First, create your tables that replicate the ones in your Supabase project:

// authors.dart

import 'package:typesafe_supabase/typesafe_supabase.dart';

part 'authors.g.dart';

/// Represents the `authors` table in the Supabase database.
class Authors extends SupaTable<AuthorsCore, AuthorsRecord> {
  const Authors({required super.supabaseClient})
      : super(AuthorsRecord.new, tableName: 'authors', primaryKey: const ['id']);

  /// The unique identifier of the author.
  @SupaColumnHere<BigInt>(hasDefault: true)
  static const id = SupaColumn<AuthorsCore, BigInt, int>(name: 'id');

  /// The author's name.
  static const name = SupaColumn<AuthorsCore, String, String>(name: 'name');
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// books.dart

import 'package:typesafe_supabase/typesafe_supabase.dart';

part 'books.g.dart';

/// Represents the `books` table in the Supabase database.
class Books extends SupaTable<BooksCore, BooksRecord> {
  const Books({required super.supabaseClient})
      : super(BooksRecord.new, tableName: 'books', primaryKey: const ['id']);

  /// The unique identifier of the book.
  @SupaColumnHere<BigInt>(hasDefault: true)
  static const id = SupaColumn<BooksCore, BigInt, int>(name: 'id');

  /// The title of the book.
  static const title = SupaColumn<BooksCore, String, String>(name: 'title');

  /// The unique identifier of the author of the book.
  static const authorID = SupaColumn<BooksCore, BigInt, int>(name: 'author_id');

  /// The number of pages in the book.
  static const pages = SupaColumn<BooksCore, int?, int?>(name: 'pages');

  /// References the `authors` table joined by the `author_id` column.
  @SupaTableJoinHere('Authors', 'authors', SupaJoinType.oneToOne, isNullable: false)
  static final author = SupaTableJoin<BooksCore, AuthorsCore>(
    tableName: 'authors',
    joiningColumn: Books.authorID,
    joinType: SupaJoinType.oneToOne,
    record: AuthorsRecord.new,
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Next, run the generator to generate a small piece of code:

dart run build_runner build
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Now use it!

// Create the books table.
final books = Books(supabaseClient: supabaseClient);

// Fetch a Paddington book.
final book = await books.fetch(
  columns: {
  filter: books.textSearch(Books.title('Paddington')),
  modifier: books.order(Books.title).limit(1).single(),

// Print the title of the book.

// Print the author's name.

// Insert a new Paddington book.
await books.insert(
  records: [
    BooksInsert(title: 'To be updated', authorID: BigInt.two, pages: 160),
  modifier: books.none(),

// Update the title and author of the book with the ID 4.
await books.update(
  values: {
    Books.title('Paddington Here and Now'),
  filter: books.equal(Books.id(BigInt.from(4))),
  modifier: books.none(),

// Delete all Paddington books that were not written by Michael Bond.
await books.delete(
  filter: books
  modifier: books.none(),
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📋 TODO #

  • ❌ Query JSON data (.select('address->city'))
  • ❌ Filter by JSON key (.eq('address->postcode', 90210))
  • ❌ Filter by joined table column (.eq('countries.name', 'Indonesia'))
  • ❌ In-depth documentation


verified publisherjakesmd.dev

Weekly Downloads

2024.07.09 - 2025.01.21

A dart package that enables type-safe queries to a Supabase database.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


analyzer, build, meta, source_gen, supabase


Packages that depend on typesafe_supabase