typed_json_getters 0.0.2
typed_json_getters: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
A Dart library providing type-safe getters for JSON maps with robust error handling.
import 'package:typed_json_getters/typed_json_getters.dart';
void main() {
// Sample JSON data
Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = {
'user': {
'id': 'u123',
'name': 'Alice',
'isActive': 'true',
// String that can be converted to bool
'details': {
'age': '30', // String that can be converted to int
'height': 5.6, // Double value
'weight': 'not available', // Invalid double
'preferences': {
'notifications': 'false', // String that can be converted to bool
'theme': 'dark',
'scores': ['100', '95', '80'],
// List of strings that can be converted to int
'invalidScores': ['100', 'ninety-five', 80],
// Mixed list with invalid int
'address': null,
// Null value
'meta': {
'lastLogin': '2023-10-01T12:34:56Z',
'signupCount': 'invalid', // Invalid int
// Using get<T> with default values
String userId = jsonData.get<String>('user.id', defaultValue: '');
String userName = jsonData.get<String>('user.name', defaultValue: 'Unknown');
bool isActive = jsonData.get<bool>('user.isActive', defaultValue: false);
int age = jsonData.get<int>('user.details.age', defaultValue: 0);
double height =
jsonData.get<double>('user.details.height', defaultValue: 0.0);
double weight = jsonData.get<double>('user.details.weight',
defaultValue: 0.0); // Conversion fails
bool notifications =
jsonData.get<bool>('user.preferences.notifications', defaultValue: true);
String theme =
jsonData.get<String>('user.preferences.theme', defaultValue: 'light');
List<int> scores = jsonData.getList<int>('user.scores', defaultValue: []);
List<int> invalidScores =
jsonData.getList<int>('user.invalidScores', defaultValue: []);
Map<String, String> address = jsonData
.getMap<String, String>('user.address', defaultValue: {}); // Null value
int signupCount = jsonData.get<int>('meta.signupCount',
defaultValue: 0); // Conversion fails
// Using getNullable<T>
String? nickname =
jsonData.getNullable<String>('user.nickname'); // Key not found
int? nullableAge = jsonData.getNullable<int>('user.details.age');
double? nullableWeight =
jsonData.getNullable<double>('user.details.weight'); // Conversion fails
bool? nullableNotifications =
String? nullableTheme =
List<int>? nullableScores = jsonData.getNullableList<int>('user.scores');
List<int>? nullableInvalidScores =
jsonData.getNullableList<int>('user.invalidScores'); // Conversion fails
Map<String, String>? nullableAddress =
jsonData.getNullableMap<String, String>('user.address'); // Null value
int? nullableSignupCount =
jsonData.getNullable<int>('meta.signupCount'); // Conversion fails
// Accessing nested keys using dot notation
String lastLogin =
jsonData.get<String>('meta.lastLogin', defaultValue: 'Never');
String innerValue1 = jsonData.get<String>('user.details.innerKey',
defaultValue: 'No Value'); // Invalid path
// Printing the results
print('--- Using get<T> ---');
print('User ID: $userId'); // Output: User ID: u123
print('User Name: $userName'); // Output: User Name: Alice
print('Is Active: $isActive'); // Output: Is Active: true
print('Age: $age'); // Output: Age: 30
print('Height: $height'); // Output: Height: 5.6
'Weight: $weight'); // Output: Weight: 0.0 (default value due to conversion failure)
'Notifications Enabled: $notifications'); // Output: Notifications Enabled: false
print('Theme: $theme'); // Output: Theme: dark
print('Scores: $scores'); // Output: Scores: [100, 95, 80]
print('Invalid Scores: $invalidScores'); // Output: Invalid Scores: []
print('Address: $address'); // Output: Address: {}
'Signup Count: $signupCount'); // Output: Signup Count: 0 (default value due to conversion failure)
print('\n--- Using getNullable<T> ---');
print('Nickname: $nickname'); // Output: Nickname: null
print('Nullable Age: $nullableAge'); // Output: Nullable Age: 30
print('Nullable Weight: $nullableWeight'); // Output: Nullable Weight: null
'Nullable Notifications Enabled: $nullableNotifications'); // Output: Nullable Notifications Enabled: false
print('Nullable Theme: $nullableTheme'); // Output: Nullable Theme: dark
'Nullable Scores: $nullableScores'); // Output: Nullable Scores: [100, 95, 80]
'Nullable Invalid Scores: $nullableInvalidScores'); // Output: Nullable Invalid Scores: null
print('Nullable Address: $nullableAddress'); // Output: Nullable Address: null
'Nullable Signup Count: $nullableSignupCount'); // Output: Nullable Signup Count: null
print('\n--- Nested Keys ---');
print('Last Login: $lastLogin'); // Output: Last Login: 2023-10-01T12:34:56Z
print('Inner Value1: $innerValue1'); // Output: Inner Value1: No Value