twilio_voice 0.1.0 copy "twilio_voice: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
twilio_voice: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard

Provides an interface to Twilio's Programmable Voice SDK to allow adding voice-over-IP (VoIP) calling into your Flutter applications.

Next release #

0.1.0 #

  • Feat: [Android] Turn off the screen when a call is active and the head is against the handset. @solid-software (
  • Feat: [macOS] Added support for macOS, based on iOS implementation backed by Twilio Voice Web (twilio-voice.js v2.4.1-dev-custom).
  • Feat: [Web] Web support with notifications (via Service Worker) with live example at @cybex-dev
  • Feat: [Android, iOS, web] Add handset call status: isMuted(), isOnSpeaker() and isHolding() @cybex-dev
  • Refactor: Hold call signature changed to holdCall({bool shouldHold = true}) @cybex-dev
  • Feat: [iOS] Add support for changing callkit icon (future plans to extended this for Flutter assets) @cybex-dev
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.5) fix 4 Null Pointer execption Android
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.4) add Android DE Local
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.4) add Android IT Local
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.3) Upgrade to Twilio Android SDK 6.1.2 / iOS SDK 6.4.2
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.3) small Bugfix for null pointer Exception
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.2) more Magic is needed with FLAG_MUTABLE (Android 12)
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.2.1) PendingIntent gets FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT replaced by FLAG_IMMUTABLE (Android 12)
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.1.2) Upgrade to Twilio Android SDK 6.1.0 / iOS SDK 6.4.0
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.1.1) Fix case Constants.ACTION_ACCEPT null pointer
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.18) remove example / Add AudioSwitch
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.17) Make Android RingTone louder
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.16) Unknown Caller ist auch in der App sichtbar
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.15) Splash Icon missing
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.14) Compiler anhancements
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.13) Android CallsScreen now displays ClientID / CallerID
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.12) iOS XCODE failed
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.11) iOS Podspecs were failing
  • [twilio_voice_mimp:0.0.10) **German Localization in Android
  • Feat: Add check and request Bluetooth permissions @cybex-dev
  • Feat: [Android] Use Android Native callkit equivalent via ConnectionService. @cybex-dev
  • Change: [Android] Removed (Deprecated) requiresBackgroundPermissions & requestBackgroundPermissions as they are no longer needed for background UI screens. @cybex-dev
  • Change: [Android] Removed (Deprecated) showBackgroundCallUi as it is no longer needed for background UI screens. (this might be reinstated in future, depending on feature requests) @cybex-dev
  • Change: [Android] Removed (Deprecated) backgroundCallUi as it is no longer needed for background UI screens. @cybex-dev
  • Change: [Android] Removed (Deprecated) requestBluetoothPermission, hasBluetoothPermission as these are no longer needed and handled by the native Telecom App. @cybex-dev
  • (on-hold) Feat: [Android] Added custom scheme twi:// @cybex-dev
  • Feat (early-access): [Android] Added customParams interpretation via TVCallInviteParameters and TVCallParameters, see readme for more details. @cybex-dev
  • Feat: [Android] Add CallingAccount (Phone Account) label & description via strings.xml. @cybex-dev
  • Feat: [Android] Add Calling Account (Phone Account) icon (using current app icon via getApplicationInfo().getIcon()). @cybex-dev
  • Fix: request Permissions return result via Flutter future.
  • Fix: [Android] Missing platform method channel for getSid()
  • Fix: [Android] Inconsistent caller/recipient names for inbound calls between ringing & connected states.
  • Fix: [Android] Incorrect call direction for incoming calls
  • Fix: call ringing event always showing CallDirection.outgoing
  • Fix: [Android] Updated CallKit incoming/outgoing name parameter resolution
  • Fix: [Web] Notification actions working intermittently.
  • Fix: [Web] Added suggested service worker integration with CI/CD unifying with flutter_service_worker.js, see here for more info regarding service worker limitations.
  • Update: [Web] Remove additional service-worker files

0.0.9 #

  • Feat: forwarded callInvite custom parameters to flutter

0.0.8 #

  • Renamed callkit logo
  • Merge-Android: Fixed null pointer exception for eventSink occurs in mute call. @GKPK

0.0.7 #

  • Fixed from param on android

0.0.6 #

  • Added android extra call params

0.0.5 #

  • Updated Twilio SDK versions
  • Added example for android

0.0.4 #

  • Fixes deprecation error with Xcode 12.5
  • removed "client" from ids

0.0.3 #

  • Added missed call notifications
  • Updated Android SDK
  • Added localization files

0.0.1 #

  • Initial release
pub points



Provides an interface to Twilio's Programmable Voice SDK to allow adding voice-over-IP (VoIP) calling into your Flutter applications.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, js, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on twilio_voice