twilio_flutter 0.0.3 copy "twilio_flutter: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
twilio_flutter: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


A Package that helps with twilio API.Currenty supports only sms sending functionality.With time more features will be released.

Twilio_Flutter #

A Flutter package for both android and iOS which helps developers with Twilio API services.

Usage #


To use this package :

    sdk: flutter

How to use #

Create a new Object

TwilioFlutter twilioFlutter; 

Initialize with values

    twilioFlutter = TwilioFlutter(
        accountSid : '*************************', // replace *** with Account SID
        authToken : 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',  // replace xxx with Auth Token
        twilioNumber : '+...............'  // replace .... with Twilio Number

Send SMS

        toNumber : '+................', messageBody : 'hello world'); //Use sendSMS with the recipient number and message body.

Change Twilio Number

    twilioFlutter.changeTwilioNumber('+.........'); // To change the twilio number
Send WhatsApp Message (Experimental)
    twilioFlutter.sendWhatsApp(toNumber : '+................', messageBody : 'hello world');

Features #

  • Sms
  • Call
  • WhatsApp - Experimental feature

More features will get added soon. Contributions are also welcome.

Pull Requests #

Pull requests and contributions highly encouraged .Here are some basic rules to follow to ensure timely addition of your request:

  1. Match coding style (braces, spacing, etc.) This is best achieved using Reformat Code feature of Android Studio CMD+Option+L on Mac and CTRL + ALT + L on Linux + Windows .
  2. If its a feature, bug fix, or anything please only change code to what you specify.
  3. Please keep PR titles easy to read and descriptive of changes, this will make them easier to merge :)
  4. Pull requests must be made against develop branch. Any other branch (unless specified by the maintainers) will get rejected.
  5. Check for existing issues first, before filing an issue.
  6. Make sure you follow the set standard as all other projects in this repo do
  7. Have fun!

Getting Started #

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.

For help on editing package code, view the documentation.

pub points


unverified uploader

A Package that helps with twilio API.Currenty supports only sms sending functionality.With time more features will be released.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, http, meta


Packages that depend on twilio_flutter