tt_screen_record_plugin_plus 0.0.2 tt_screen_record_plugin_plus: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard
Screen recording component supports Android and iOS. Android uses the device_screen_recorder plugin The system capability used by iOS is ReplayKit. Only after iOS14 (including 14) can the screen recor [...]
tt_screen_record_plugin #
Screen recording component supports Android and iOS. Android uses the device_screen_recorder plugin The system capability used by iOS is ReplayKit. Only after iOS14 (including 14) can the screen recording be saved to a custom path, such as a sandbox. Before iOS14, recorded videos will be saved in the photo album"
A new Flutter plugin for record the screen. This plug-in requires Android SDK 21+ and iOS 10+
Getting Started #
This plugin can be used for record the screen on Android and iOS devices.
1 Initialization #
final _ttScreenRecordPlugin = TtScreenRecordPlugin();
2 For start the recording #
bool result = await _ttScreenRecordPlugin.startRecording();
3 For stop the recording #
Map result = await _ttScreenRecordPlugin.stopRecording();
4 Determine whether recording is taking place #
bool recording = await _ttScreenRecordPlugin.recording();
5 Determine whether the device supports recording (only for iOS, Android returns true by default) #
final _result = await _ttScreenRecordPlugin.isAvailable();
Android #
Flutter_Screen_Recorder do not request permissions necessary. You can use Permission_handler, a permissions plugin for Flutter. Require and add the following permissions in your manifest:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_INTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
In the last Android version is requiered use a foreground service for record the screen, we added the flutter foreground plugin.
iOS #
You only need add the permission message on the Info.plist
<string>Save video in gallery</string>
<string>Save audio in video</string>