truesight_cli 1.0.0 truesight_cli: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
truesight cli to validate models generated by CodeGenerator
truesight_cli #
is a command-line tool for managing and validating Dart models. It provides commands to greet users and validate model files to ensure all fields are included in the fields
getter without any duplication.
Installation #
To install the truesight_cli
, you need to have Dart installed on your machine. You can then activate the CLI globally using the following command:
dart pub global activate --source git<your-username>/<your-repository>.git
Replace <your-username>
with your GitHub username and <your-repository>
with the name of your repository. For example:
dart pub global activate --source git
Usage #
Once installed, you can use the truesight_cli
from anywhere in your terminal.
Commands #
1. Greet Command
The greet
command allows you to greet someone by their name.
truesight_cli greet --name=<name>
truesight_cli greet --name=John
# Output: Hello, John!
If you don't provide a name, it defaults to "world".
truesight_cli greet
# Output: Hello, world!
2. Validate Models Command
The validate_models
command scans specified directories (defaulting to lib/models
and lib/filters
) to ensure that all fields in the model files are added to the fields
getter and there are no duplicates.
truesight_cli validate_models --folders=<folder1>,<folder2>,...
If no folders are specified, it defaults to scanning lib/models
and lib/filters
Example with custom folders:
truesight_cli validate_models --folders=lib/models,lib/filters,lib/extra
To use the default folders:
truesight_cli validate_models
# This will scan the lib/models and lib/filters directories.
This command will:
- Scan through the specified directories.
- Check each Dart file for declared fields.
- Ensure all declared fields are included in the
getter. - Ensure there are no duplicate fields in the
Help #
For a complete list of commands and their usage, you can always use the --help
Global help:
truesight_cli --help
Help for a specific command:
truesight_cli help <command>
truesight_cli help validate_models
Contributing #
Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a pull request or open an issue on GitHub.
License #
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Updated Command Implementation #
Here is the updated implementation for the ValidateModelsCommand
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:args/command_runner.dart';
class ValidateModelsCommand extends Command<void> {
final name = 'validate_models';
final description = 'Validate that all fields in model files are included in the fields getter and ensure no duplicates.';
ValidateModelsCommand() {
abbr: 'f',
help: 'List of folders to scan. Defaults to "lib/models" and "lib/filters".',
defaultsTo: ['lib/models', 'lib/filters'],
void run() {
final folders = argResults?['folders'] as List<String>;
for (var dir in folders) {
final directory = Directory(dir);
if (!directory.existsSync()) {
print('Directory $dir does not exist.');
for (var file in directory.listSync(recursive: true)) {
if (file is File && file.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
void validateFile(File file) {
final content = file.readAsStringSync();
final fieldsPattern = RegExp(r'Json\w+ (\w+) =');
final getterPattern = RegExp(r'List<JsonField> get fields => \[(.*?)\];', dotAll: true);
final fields = <String>{};
final declaredFields = <String>{};
final getterMatch = getterPattern.firstMatch(content);
if (getterMatch != null) {
final getterContent =!;
final getterFields = getterContent.split(',').map((f) => f.trim());
for (final match in fieldsPattern.allMatches(content)) {
final missingFields = fields.difference(declaredFields);
final duplicateFields = declaredFields.difference(fields);
if (missingFields.isNotEmpty) {
print('File ${file.path} is missing fields in the fields getter: ${missingFields.join(', ')}');
if (duplicateFields.isNotEmpty) {
print('File ${file.path} has duplicate fields in the fields getter: ${duplicateFields.join(', ')}');
if (missingFields.isEmpty && duplicateFields.isEmpty) {
print('File ${file.path} is valid.');